Man pages for KechrisLab/HeritSeq
Heritability of Gene Expression for Next-Generation Sequencing

computeVPC.CPCalculate the compound Poisson (CP) variance partition...
computeVPC.NBCalculate the negative binomial (NB) variance partition...
fitComputeVPC.lmerFit linear mixed models (LMM) and compute the VPC values for...
fit.CPFit compound Poisson mixed effect models (CPMM) for one or...
fit.NBFit negative binomial mixed models (NBMM) for one or more...
getBootCICompute variance partition coefficition (VPC) confidence...
getReadMatrix.CPSimulate a read matrix from compound Poisson mixed effect...
getReadMatrix.NBSimulate a count matrix from negative binomial mixed effect...
para_cpParameter matrix obtained from simData by fitting CPMM.
para_nbParameter matrix obtained from simData by fitting NBMM.
simDataA simulated sequencing dataset.
simData_voomVoom transformed version of simData.
simData_vstVariance stabilize transformed version of simData.
strainsList of strain names for the samples.
weights_voomWeights used in the voom transformation.
KechrisLab/HeritSeq documentation built on May 8, 2019, 4:48 p.m.