Man pages for KenLi93/CatchAll
Species Richness estimation with CatchAll

all_parametric_modelMultiple parametric models for estimating species richness...
best_model"Best" parametric model for estimating species richness
catch_allCatchAll for estimating species richness and model selection
chao1Chao1 species richness estimator
check_formatRun some basic checks on a possible frequency count table
convertconvert between different inputs for alpha-diversity...
geometric_modelGeometric model for estimating species richness
GOFGoodness-of-fit statistic
Poisson_modelPoisson model for estimating species richness
select_best_models"Best" parametric models for estimating species richness with...
three_geometric_modelThree-component geometric mixture model for estimating...
three_mixed_exp_lldInternal functions for estimating species richness with a...
two_geometric_modelTwo-component geometric mixture model for estimating species...
two_mixed_exp_lldInternal functions for estimating species richness with a...
wlrm_transformedThe transformed weighted linear regression estimator for...
wlrm_untransformedThe untransformed weighted linear regression estimator for...
KenLi93/CatchAll documentation built on May 7, 2019, 3:59 a.m.