
#' Monthly record of newspapers articles dealing with climate change (CC) or
#' biodiversity (BD).
#' Time series of monthly record of newspapers articles dealing with climate
#' change (CC) and/or biodiversity (BD). Articles recorded were extracted from
#' newspapers we assumed to be the most popular in Canada (CA), United States
#' of America (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) (see \code{titles} dataset for
#' more details).
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @author Nicolas Casajus and Pierre Legagneux
#' @name newsPapers
#' @usage data(newsPapers)
#' @format A data frame of 324 rows and 7 columns: column \code{month} records
#' the month associated with the number of articles recorded in the 6 other
#' columns, that is articles pertaining to either climate change (CC)
#' and/or biodiversity (BD) found in the most popular journals in the three
#' countries abovementioned.

#' Newspapers' names.
#' Names of the newspapers included in the study.
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @author Kevin Cazelles
#' @name newsNames
#' @usage data(newsNames)
#' @format A data frame of 12 rows (1 row per journal) and 2 columns:
#' \code{country} and \code{name}.

#' Major events and peaks detected.
#' Significant peaks in the time series of the number of newspapers' articles.
#' Major important international event/conference related to either
#' biodiversity or climate change are added when they match a peak.
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @author Nicolas Casajus and Kevin Cazelles
#' @name events
#' @usage data(events)
#' @format
#' A data frame of 29 rows (i.e. 29 significant peaks detected) and 15 columns:
#' \code{noid} is a unique identifier of the peak, \code{keyword} indicate the
#' theme of the event either climate change (CC) or biodiversity (BD),
#' \code{event} record the names of events, \code{place} the city where the
#' event took place and \code{date} the date when the event took place. Finally
#' the 10 remaining columns are used to locate events and their labels on figure 2.

#' Canadian and American fundings allocated to climate change and biodiversity research.
#' Time series with yearly frequency of Canadian and American fundings allocated
#' to climate change (CC) and biodiversity (BD) research.
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @author Pierre Legagneux and Nicolas Casajus
#' @name fundingUSCAN
#' @usage data(fundingUSCAN)
#' @format A data frame of 25 rows and 6 columns: frst column \code{year} is the
#' year for which the research fundings are reported in the 4 following
#' columns (\code{BD_US}, \code{CC_US}, \code{CC_CA} and \code{BD_CA}). Finally,
#' the last column \code{CADtoUSD} gives the times series of exchange rate
#' (yearly average) for the Canadian dollar to US dollar.

#' Worldwide scientific papers published in peer-reviewed literature on
#' biodiversity and climate change between 1991 and 2018.
#' Worldwide scientific papers published in peer-reviewed literature dealing
#' with biodiversity (BD) or climate change (CC) retrieved from Web of Science
#' on March 3rd, 2017. Key words used for queries were 'biodiversity',
#' 'ecosystem services', 'endangered species' and `IPBES` for BD and `climate #' change`, `global warming` and `IPCC`.
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @author Steve Vissault and Nicolas Casajus
#' @name sciPapers
#' @usage data(sciPapers)
#' @format A data frame of 26 rows and 3 columns: \code{year}, \code{records_BD}
#' and \code{records_CC}.

#' Number of scientific papers retrieved per journal title.
#' This dataset includes the total of scientific papers we retrieved from Web of
#' Science on March 3rd, 2017 per journal title.
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @author Kevin Cazelles and Nicolas Casajus
#' @name sciNames
#' @usage data(sciNames)
#' @format A data frame of 10923 rows and 3 columns: \code{sourcesTitles} giving
#' journal titles, \code{records} that gives the number of papers we retrieved
#' from a specific title and \code{keyword} that indicates the keyword (CC stands
#' for climate change and BD for biodiversity) to which the number of articles
#' refers to.
KevCaz/burningHouse documentation built on June 15, 2019, 9:47 a.m.