
:book: Solarik et al. (2019) DOI:10.1111/1365-2745.13311 - research compendium

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This packages includes the code to reproduce the analysis we carried out in Solarik et al. (2019) DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13311. The form of a standard R :package: is meant to ease the sharing of the code. Moreover this repository is an appropriate platform to discuss and fix potential code issues.


Note that in the analysis presented, we used a Rcpp implementation of dispersal kernel available as a separate R package diskers as well as two other packages that include a couple of handy functions and thus, these three packages are required. A convenient way of installing them, is to use of the remotes package available on CRAN :

remotes::install_github(c('KevCaz/diskers', 'inSileco/inSilecoMisc', 'inSileco/graphicsutils'))

Once installed, you can install this package:


:link: How to reproduce the analysis

Note that the data analysis pipeline is described in vignette "How to reproduce the analysis".

KevCaz/seedlingsRecruitmentAnalysis documentation built on Oct. 23, 2019, 12:58 p.m.