Man pages for KevinKotze/tsm
Time Series Modelling

acAutocorrelation and partial autocorrelation function.
archTestPerform Lagrange Multiplier Test for ARCH effect of a time...
bndBeveridge-Nelson decomposition
ccCross correlation function that considers the relationship...
cwClark-West (2007) approximate normality tests for equal...
difReturns lagged and differenced data where input and output...
EgarchEstimation of an EGARCH(1,1) model. Assume normal...
garch11FITAuxillary function for fitting GARCH model.
garchMEstimation of a Gaussian GARCH-in-Mean with GARCH(1,1) model.
glkMAuxillary function for reporting of GARCH-M results.
glknAuxillary function for reporting of NGARCH results.
gts_urGeneral-to-Specific application of Dickey-Fuller (1981) Test.
IgarchEstimation of a Gaussian IGARCH(1,1) model.
leadlagPlot leading and lagging correlations
NgarchEstimation of a non-symmertic GARCH that takes the form...
nwNewey-West HAC covariance estimator.
ResiVolAuxillary function for reporting of GARCH-M results.
round2Round numbers following normal convention.
KevinKotze/tsm documentation built on July 29, 2024, 2:18 p.m.