Man pages for Kezrael/optedr
Calculating Optimal and D-Augmented Designs

add_designAdd two designs
add_pointsUpdate design given crosspoints and alpha
augment_designAugment Design
check_inputsCheck Inputs
combinatorial_roundCombinatorial round
critMaster function for the criterion function
crosspointsCalculate crosspoints
daugment_designD-Augment Design
dcritCriterion function for D-Optimality
delete_pointsRemove low weight points
design_efficiencyEfficiency between optimal design and a user given design
dsaugment_designDs-Augment Design
dscritCriterion function for Ds-Optimality
dsensSensitivity function for D-Optimality
dssensSensitivity function for Ds-Optimality
DsWFMultCocktail Algorithm implementation for Ds-Optimality
DWFMultCocktail Algorithm implementation for D-Optimality
effEfficiency between two Information Matrices
efficient_roundEfficient Round
findmaxFind Maximum
findmaxvalFind Maximum Value
findminvalFind Minimum Value
get_augment_regionGet Augment Regions
getCross2Give effective limits to candidate points region
get_daugment_regionGet D-augment region
get_dsaugment_regionGet Ds-augment region
get_laugment_regionGet L-augment region
getParParity of the crosspoints
getStartFind where the candidate points region starts
gradientGradient function
gradient22Gradient function for a subset of variables
icritCriterion function for I-Optimality and L-Optimality
inf_matInformation Matrix
integrate_reg_intIntegrate IM
isensSensitivity function for I-Optimality
IWFMultCocktail Algorithm implementation for L-, I- and A-Optimality...
laugment_designL-Augment Design
opt_desCalculates the optimal design for a specified criterion
plot_convergencePlot Convergence of the algorithm
plot.optdesPlot function for optdes
plot_sensPlot sensitivity function
print.optdesPrint function for optdes
sensMaster function to calculate the sensitivity function
shiny_augmentShiny D-augment
shiny_optimalShiny Optimal
summary.optdesSummary function for optdes
update_designUpdate Design with new point
update_design_totalMerge close points of a design
update_sequenceDeletes duplicates points
update_weightsUpdate weight D-Optimality
update_weightsDSUpdate weight Ds-Optimality
update_weightsIUpdate weight I-Optimality
weight_functionWeight function per distribution
WFMultMaster function for the cocktail algorithm, that calls the...
Kezrael/optedr documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 1:37 a.m.