Man pages for Kidapt/keda
A Package to Support Exploratory Data Analysis

camelCaseconverts strings to camelCase
clean_namesFunction to convert dataframe names to lowercase without...
clean_stringsFunction to convert astring such as the names of a dataset to...
compare_dfsThis function compares two dataframes and generates a useful...
count_allReturns a list of count tables for all variables in a...
create_ALP_metadataCreate ALP Metadata
create_project_directoriesCreates the directories for a typical EDA project
dbListSchemasLists all schemas in a database
dbListTablesInSchemaLists all tables in a schema
first_to_lowermakes just the first letter of string lowercase
first_to_uppermakes just the first letter of string uppercase
function_templateThis function generates an R file with a roxygen2-friendly...
gbReturns size of object in gigabytes
keep_onefunction to save ove row of data for each unique value of the...
min_max_breaksSets breaks in ggplot axis without regard to min and max...
Modereturn the mode from a vector
my_ggsaveSay what this function does in one line
olapSay what this function does in one line
paste_sans_NAwrapper function on paste() that replaces NA with ""
percentizeconverts decimal doubles (e.g., 0.98) to character values...
postgresserves as a nested call within gradeup::query()
prop_countadds proportion values to count() function
pull_distinctpulls all distinct values of a variable from a dataset
queryperforms a database query
replace_na_with_close_quotesReplace string NA with empty quotes before upload to google...
sample_group_levelsFunction to randomly sample a specified number of group...
separate_nA wrapper version of tidyr::separate() that automatically...
showTablesshows a prespecified selection of tables for PostgreSQL and...
source_directorySource all scripts in a directory
source_file_pathsSources R scripts with list of file path strings
source_rmdsource() Rmd files
str_locate_firstextracts position of first character in the pattern within a...
theme_learning_teama ggplot theme for kidaptive's learning team
wrapinserts line breaks into a string value after number of...
Kidapt/keda documentation built on Nov. 23, 2019, 3:35 a.m.