
#' Color palette from material.io
#' A dataset containing hexcodes for several colors
#' @format A data frame with 14 observations and 19 variables:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{red}{shades of red}
#'  \item{pink}{shades of pink}
#'  \item{purple}{shades of purple}
#'  \item{deep.purple}{shades of deep purple}
#'  \item{indigo}{shades of indigo}
#'  \item{blue}{shades of blue}
#'  \item{light.blue}{shades of light blue}
#'  \item{cyan}{shades of cyan}
#'  \item{teal}{shades of teal}
#'  \item{green}{shades of green}
#'  \item{light.green}{shades of light green}
#'  \item{lime}{shades of lime}
#'  \item{yellow}{shades of yellow}
#'  \item{amber}{shades of amber}
#'  \item{orange}{shades of orange}
#'  \item{deep.orange}{shades of deep orange}
#'  \item{brown}{shades of brown}
#'  \item{gray}{shades of gray}
#'  \item{blue.gray}{shades of blue.gray}
#'  }
#' @source \url{https://material.io/resources/color/}
KoenAStam/cytofast documentation built on June 1, 2022, 1:15 a.m.