ghc_repos_git_add: Git Add

ghc_repos_git_addR Documentation

Git Add


Adds the specified file to the active branch for all repositories that match the prefix. Use ghc_repos_git_commit to commit added files, followed by ghc_repos_git_push to push them to the server. Note that this function will always add the specific filed and overwrite .gitignore rules if necessary. You can also use this function to tag an existing file to be included in the next commit (this happens automatically for all modified files if you use the ghc_repos_git_commit function to commit changes).


ghc_repos_git_add(prefix, filepath, folder = ".")



repository prefix (typically this would be a github classroom assignment prefix)


new file to start tracking with git. The filepath is relative to the main repository directory within each repository.


the target directory where to look for matching git repositories (searches recursively in all subdirectories)


returns the prefix invisibly to facilitate piping

See Also

Other command functions: ghc_repos_copy_to(), ghc_repos_git_clone(), ghc_repos_git_commit(), ghc_repos_git_create_branch(), ghc_repos_git_delete_branch(), ghc_repos_git_discard_changes(), ghc_repos_git_pull(), ghc_repos_git_push(), ghc_repos_git_remove(), ghc_repos_git_status(), ghc_repos_git_switch_branch(), ghc_repos_run_git_command()

KopfLab/ghctools documentation built on Feb. 20, 2023, 9:25 a.m.