iso_parse_file_info: Parse file info

View source: R/file_info_operations.R

iso_parse_file_infoR Documentation

Parse file info


Convenience function to batch parse file info (iso_get_file_info) columns in isofile objects for the most common parsing calls. Uses the parse_ functions exported from readr and described in extract_data. Note that for less common parsing calls or calls that require additional parameters to the parsing function, it is better to parse columns one-by-one using iso_mutate_file_info instead.


  number = c(),
  double = c(),
  integer = c(),
  logical = c(),
  datetime = c(),
  text = c(),
  quiet = default(quiet)



collection of iso_file objects


dplyr-style select condition to choose columns that should be converted to a number using parse_number. Use c(...) to select multiple columns.


dplyr-style select condition to choose columns that should be converted to a double using parse_double. Use c(...) to select multiple columns.


dplyr-style select condition to choose columns that should be converted to an integer using parse_integer. Use c(...) to select multiple columns.


dplyr-style select condition to choose columns that should be converted to a boolean (TRUE/FALSE) using parse_logical. Use c(...) to select multiple columns.


dplyr-style select condition to choose columns that should be converted to a date-time using parse_datetime. Use c(...) to select multiple columns.


dplyr-style select condition to choose columns that should be converted to text using as.character. Use c(...) to select multiple columns.


whether to display (quiet=FALSE) or silence (quiet = TRUE) information messages. Set parameter to overwrite global defaults for this function or set global defaults with calls to iso_turn_info_messages_on and iso_turn_info_messages_off

See Also

Other file_info operations: iso_add_file_info.iso_file_list(), iso_filter_files(), iso_mutate_file_info(), iso_rename_file_info(), iso_select_file_info(), iso_set_file_root()

KopfLab/isoreader documentation built on Aug. 6, 2023, 9:22 p.m.