
#' # Data Table ====
#' # NOTE: not used yet... remove if unused
#' # NOTE: this might be the one causing the new character(0) issue!
#' # server side data table that is easy to update while retaining user settings / recreate new if new data is called for
#' # only works in server side mode, sorry (the replaceData does not work client-side)
#' #' Data Table UI
#' #' @inheritParams isofilesLoadUI
#' dataTableUI <- function(id) {
#'   ns <- NS(id)
#'   dataTableOutput(ns("data_table"))
#' }
#' #' Data Table Server
#' #' @param rownames default passed onto datatable function
#' #' @param selection default passed onto datatable function
#' #' @param filter default passed onto datatable function
#' #' @param sig_digitis number of significant digits used for all numeric formatting
#' #' @param extensions default passed onto datatable function
#' #' @param options default passed onto datatable function
#' #' @param ... additional params passed onto datatable function
#' dataTableServer <- function(
#'   input, output, session,
#'   rownames = FALSE, selection = "none", filter = "top", # data table defaults
#'   sig_digits = 3, # data table default numeric formatting
#'   extensions = c("Buttons", "KeyTable"), # data table defaults
#'   options = list( # data table defaults
#'     dom = "Bltpi", # Buttons, Length, Table, Pagniation, Information
#'     pageLength = 5, lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100), # paging menu
#'     keys = TRUE, #KeyTable extension for excel like navigation
#'     scrollX = TRUE, # automatic x scrolling for large table fits
#'     buttons = list(list(extend = "colvis")) # Buttons - allow column selection for all
#'   ), ...) {
#'   # namespace
#'   ns <- session$ns
#'   # reactive values
#'   values <- reactiveValues(
#'     data = NULL,
#'     new_table_data = NULL
#'   )
#'   # update data function
#'   update_data <- function(data) {
#'     if (is.null(values$data) || !setequal(names(values$data), names(data))) {
#'       values$new_table_data <- data
#'     } else {
#'       values$data <- data
#'     }
#'   }
#'   # render data table
#'   output$data_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
#'     req(values$new_table_data)
#'     message("INFO: Generating new data table for namespace '", ns(NULL), "'")
#'     isolate({
#'       values$data <- values$new_table_data
#'       # generate datatable
#'       dt <- datatable(values$data, rownames = rownames,
#'                       selection = selection, filter = filter,
#'                       #extensions = c("FixedHeader", "Scroller", "ColReorder", "Buttons", "KeyTable"), # potential extensions
#'                       extensions = extensions,
#'                       options = options)
#'       # format all numerics to 3 significant digits (SK note: make formatting more customizable)
#'       dt %>% formatSignif(names(values$data)[sapply(values$data, class) == "numeric"], digits = sig_digits) #
#'     })}, server = TRUE)
#'   # define data proxy
#'   proxy <- dataTableProxy(ns("data_table"), deferUntilFlush = FALSE)
#'   observe({
#'     req(values$data)
#'     message("INFO: Updating data table for namespace '", ns(NULL), "'")
#'     #replaceData(proxy, values$data, rownames = rownames, resetPaging = TRUE)
#'     # SK NOTE: this is a workaround because ajax needs session differently than dataTableProxy
#'     # https://github.com/rstudio/DT/issues/359
#'     dataTableAjax(session, values$data, rownames = rownames, outputId = "data_table")
#'     reloadData(proxy, resetPaging = TRUE)
#'     # SK NOTE: also, the reloadData will NOT reset the ranges on the column filters (this is probably a bug in DT)
#'   })
#'   # return functions
#'   list(
#'     update = update_data,
#'     rows_selected = reactive(input$data_table_rows_selected)
#'   )
#' }
#' #' Simple data table with useful defaults for a simple table
#' #' @inheritParams dataTableServer
#' dataTableServerSimple <- function(
#'   input, output, session,
#'   rownames = FALSE, selection = "none", filter = "none",
#'   sig_digits = 3, extensions = list(),
#'   options = list(dom = "t", pageLength = 50), ...) {
#'   # call main datatable server function
#'   dataTableServer(input, output, session, rownames = FALSE, selection = selection, filter=filter,
#'                   extensions = extensions, options = options)
#' }
KopfLab/isoviewer documentation built on July 16, 2021, 1:21 a.m.