Man pages for Kudusch/ktools
Useful Functions for Data Science and Communication

aggre_dateFormat datetimes for easier aggregating.
EmojisAll Unicode-Emojis
get_rank_diffCalculate the if-idf rank differences.
is.uniqueDoes a list contain duplicates.
library_plsLibrary please! Easier Package Installation
modusCalculate mode.
pairwise_countCount pairs of items within a group
pasteNArmAlternative to 'paste()', where NAs are remove before...
pcountWrapper for 'count()' with percentages
preprocess.genTidyDFTidy a data.frame()
preprocess.removeNonWordCharsRemove Non-Word Characters
preprocess.removeStopwordsRemove Words From Text
preprocess.stemStem word vectors
ptableFaster 'prop.table(table())'
readPasteboardRead From The Pasteboard In macOS
readRDS.gzRead RDS w/ pigz support
saveRDS.gzSave RDS w/ pigz support
summary.igraphA better summary function for igraph graphs
theme_kuduschA simple custom theme for ggplot.
theme_kudusch_darkA simple custom theme for ggplot.
writePasteboardWrite To The Pasteboard In macOS
Kudusch/ktools documentation built on Oct. 30, 2022, 10:13 p.m.