From ExperimentHub to gypsum

knitr::opts_chunk$set(error=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Pulling assets from ExperimentHub.

hub <- ExperimentHub()
prefix <- "celldex/dice/"
norm.hub <- hub[hub$rdatapath==paste0(prefix, "1.0.0/logcounts.rds")]
stopifnot(nrow(norm.hub) == 1L)
norm <- norm.hub[[1]]
coldata.hub <- hub[hub$rdatapath==paste0(prefix, "1.0.0/coldata.rds")]
stopifnot(nrow(coldata.hub) == 1L)
coldata <- coldata.hub[[1]]

Attaching ontology mappings.

path <- system.file("mapping", "dice.tsv", package="celldex", mustWork=TRUE)
src <- read.delim(path, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

m <- match(coldata$label.fine, src[,1])
stopifnot(all(! # sanity check

matched <- src[m, 2]
matched[matched==""] <- NA_character_
coldata$label.ont <- matched

Assembling some metadata.

meta <- list(
    title="Human bulk RNA-seq data from DICE",
        "Normalized expression values of 1561 bulk RNA-seq samples of sorted human immune cell populations from the Database of Immune Cell Expression (DICE).",
        "TPM normalized values for each cell type were downloaded from",
        "Genes with no reads across samples were removed, and values were log~2~-normalized after a pseudocount of 1 was added.",
        "Samples were annotated to 5 main cell types (`label.main`):",
        "- B cells",
        "- Monocytes",
        "- NK cells",
        "- T cells, CD8+",
        "- T cells, CD4+",
        "These labels were further resolved to 15 fine cell types (`label.fine`):",
        "- B cells, naive",
        "- Monocytes, CD14+",
        "- Monocytes, CD16+",
        "- NK cells",
        "- T cells, memory TREG",
        "- T cells, CD4+, naive",
        "- T cells, CD4+, naive, stimulated",
        "- T cells, CD4+, naive Treg",
        "- T cells, CD4+, Th1",
        "- T cells, CD4+, Th1_17",
        "- T cells, CD4+, Th2",
        "- T cells, CD8+, naïve",
        "- T cells, CD8+, naïve, stimulated",
        "- T cells, CD4+, TFH",
        "- T cells, CD4+, Th17",
        "The fine types have also been mapped to the Cell Ontology (`label.ont`)."
    ), collapse="\n"),
    genome=character(0), # dunno, it doesn't say.
        list(provider="PubMed", id="30449622"),
        list(provider="ExperimentHub", id=norm.hub$ah_id),
        list(provider="ExperimentHub", id=coldata.hub$ah_id),
        list(provider="URL", id="", version="2019-09-04")
    maintainer_name="Jared Andrews",

Saving it to disk.

path <- "2024-02-26_output"
saveReference(norm, coldata, path, meta)

LTLA/CellTypeReferences documentation built on June 1, 2024, 12:12 p.m.