opts_chunk$set(error=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE)


Techniques such as Hi-C and ChIA-PET have driven the study of genomic interactions, i.e., physical interactions between pairs of genomic regions. The r Biocpkg("GenomicInteractions") package implements the GenomicInteractions class to represent and manipulate these interactions. The aim is to provide package developers with stable class definitions that can be manipulated through a large set of methods. It also provides users with a consistent and intuitive interface across different packages that use the same classes, making it easier to perform analyses with multiple packages.


The GenomicInteractions class stores any number of pairwise interactions between genomic regions. The regions themselves are represented by a GenomicRanges object from the r Biocpkg("GenomicRanges") package. For example, consider an all.regions object containing consecutive genomic intervals^[While any regions can be used here, consecutive intervals are just simpler to explain.]:

all.regions <- GRanges("chrA", IRanges(0:9*10+1, 1:10*10))

Let there be pairwise interactions between elements of all.regions. We will consider three pairwise interactions -- one between region #1 and #3, another between #5 and #2, and the last between #10 and #6.

index.1 <- as.integer(c(1,5,10))
index.2 <- as.integer(c(3,2,6))
region.1 <- all.regions[index.1]
region.2 <- all.regions[index.2]

Construction of a GInteractions object is performed by supplying the interacting regions to the GenomicInteractions() constructor:

gi <- GenomicInteractions(region.1, region.2)

This generates a GenomicInteractions object of length 3 where each entry corresponds to a pairwise interaction. Alternatively, the indices can be supplied directly, along with the coordinates of the regions they refer to:

gi <- GenomicInteractions(index.1, index.2, all.regions)

Advanced use: The GenomicInteractions class is derived from the Pairs class from the r Biocpkg("S4Vectors") package, and uses GRangesFactor instances to avoid storing redundant copies of the same anchor intervals. Only the unique entries are stored for the first and anchors, representing the "universe" of all possible regions (i.e., levels). Each GRangesFactor then stores the indices to point at the relevant entries in that universe to obtain the actual anchor region.

In many applications involving GenomicInteractions objects, the same genomic intervals are re-used in different interactions. For example, Hi-C data is typically summarized in terms of pairs of genomic bins, while ChIA-PET data is often analyzed with respect to known regions of interest like promoters and enhancers. Storing indices to unique intervals allows developers to write efficient algorithms that avoid redundant operations. It also reduces memory usage, which can be a major consideration if the regions are richly annotated with metadata.

big.1 <- sample(all.regions, 1e6, replace=TRUE)
big.2 <- sample(all.regions, 1e6, replace=TRUE) <- GenomicInteractions(big.1, big.2)
object.size(Pairs(big.1, big.2)) # For comparison

Extracting information

The interacting regions are referred to as anchor regions because they "anchor" the ends of the interaction^[Think of them like the cups in a string telephone.]. These anchor regions are accessible with the anchors method:


This returns a Pairs object containing the pairs of anchor regions, where each pair represents a single interaction in gi. We can also obtain GRanges for the first or second anchor regions by themselves by specifying type:

anchors(gi, type=1)
anchors(gi, type=2)

The first() and second() methods can also be used to the same effect.

Advanced use: When writing functions that operate on GenomicInteractions instances, it is often more efficient to manipulate the indices directly. Indices are extracted by specifying id=TRUE in anchors():

anchors(gi, id=TRUE)

The universe of regions to which those indices point are obtained with the regions() method:

regs <- regions(gi, type="both")

Common operations can then be applied to the universe of non-redundant regions, and the relevant results retrieved with the anchor indices. This is usually faster than applying those operations on repeated instances of the regions in anchors(gi).


Modification of the anchors in an existing GenomicInteractions object is performed with the anchors()<- replacement method. The code below re-specifies the three pairwise interactions as that between regions #1 and #5; between #2 and #6; and between #3 and #7. <- gi
anchors(, type=1) <- all.regions[1:3]
anchors(, type=2) <- all.regions[5:7]

Advanced use: Indices are directly modifiable by using anchors()<- with id=TRUE. <- gi
anchors(, type=1, id=TRUE) <- 1:3

The universe of regions for each anchor is modifiable directly using regions()<-. One typical application would be to annotate regions with some metadata, e.g., GC content, surrounding genes, whether or not it is a promoter or enhancer: <- gi
annotation <- rep(c("E", "P", "N"), length.out=length(all.regions))
regions(, type=1)$anno <- annotation

This annotation will propagate to all anchor regions when they are retrieved:

anchors(, type=1)

Subsetting and combining

A GenomicInteractions instance follows vector-like semantics where each interaction is an element. Subsetting of a GInteractions object will return a new object containing only the specified interactions:


Objects can also be concatenated using c. This forms a new GenomicInteractions object that contains all of the interactions in the constituent objects.

gi2 <- GenomicInteractions(all.regions[1:3], all.regions[5:7])
combined <- c(gi, gi2)

Advanced use: When combining constituent objects with different universes of regions, the output object will contain a "union of universes". As a result, indices prior to combining may not refer to the same entries in the combined object. Advanced users should make sure to obtain the new anchor indices after combining.

Vector-like comparisons

Ordering of GenomicInteractions objects is performed based on the genomic position of the first anchor. Any interactions with the same first anchor are ordered by the second anchor.


Duplicated interactions are identified as those that have identical pairs of anchor indices. In the example below, all of the repeated entries in doubled are marked as duplicates. The unique method returns a GenomicInteractions object where all duplicated entries are removed.

doubled <- c(gi, gi)

Interactions are matched between GenomicInteractions objects using the match() method. The example below will return the index of the first interaction in combined that matches each interaction in gi.

match(gi, combined)

Finally, GenomicInteractions objects can be compared in a parallel manner. This determines whether the $i$^th^ interaction in one object is equal to the $i$^th^ interaction in the other object.


Inherited methods

The GenomicInteractions object inherits from the Pairs class, which in turn inherits from Vector in the r Biocpkg("S4Vectors") package. A GenomicInteractions instance has access to all of the methods written for its parent classes. For example, general metadata can be dumped into a GenomicInteractions object using the metadata method:

metadata(gi)$description <- "I am a GenomicInteractions object"

Interaction-specific metadata can be stored via the mcols replacement method or through the $ wrapper^[Note that this differs from the region-specific metadata that was set using regions()<- above.]. One application might be to store interesting metrics relevant to each interaction, such as normalized contact frequencies:

norm.freq <- rnorm(length(gi)) # made-up frequencies.
gi$norm.freq <- norm.freq

Wrapping up

Details for any given method can be found through the standard documentation, e.g., ?anchors to get the man page for the anchors() method. Further questions on r Biocpkg("GenomicInteractions") functionality should be asked on the Bioconductor support site.


LTLA/GenomicInteractions documentation built on June 24, 2019, 2:09 p.m.