
#  Template documentation for parameters of the family of ACDC objective functions
#' @param strata.type (Optional) Character value setting the type of stratification that should be
#' used to create the marginal sampling strata (or factor levels) for the numerical covariates. Two
#' options are available:
#'  * `"area"` (Default) Equal-area marginal sampling strata.
#'  * `"range"` Equal-range marginal sampling strata.
#' The first option (`"area"`) is equivalent to drawing the frequency histogram of the numerical
#' covariates with bins of variable width but equal area. The second, however, would result in a
#' frequency histogram with bins of equal width but variable area such as when using
#' [graphics::hist()] with its default options. Strata of equal area will include virtually the same
#' number of individual covariate grid cells per stratum, while equal-range strata aim for the same
#' number of unique covariate values in each stratum.
#' @param covars Data frame or matrix with the spatially exhaustive covariates in the columns.
#' @param use.coords (Optional) Logical value. Should the projected spatial x- and y-coordinates
#' be used as spatially exhaustive covariates? Defaults to `use.coords = FALSE`.
#' @concept spatial trend
Laboratorio-de-Pedometria/spsann-package documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 3:14 p.m.