
#  Template documentation for spatial jittering (include in functions other than spJitter)
#' @details
#' \subsection{Generating mechanism}{
#' There are multiple mechanism to generate a new sample configuration out of an existing one. The
#' main step consists of randomly perturbing the coordinates of a single sample, a process known as
#' \sQuote{jittering}. These mechanisms can be classified based on how the set of candidate
#' locations for the samples is defined. For example, one could use an _infinite_ set of candidate
#' locations, that is, any location in the spatial domain can be selected as a new sample location
#' after a sample is jittered. All that is needed is a polygon indicating the boundary of the
#' spatial domain. This method is more computationally demanding because every time an existing
#' sample is jittered, it is necessary to check if the new sample location falls in spatial domain.
#' Another approach consists of using a _finite_ set of candidate locations for the samples. A
#' finite set of candidate locations is created by discretising the spatial domain, that is,
#' creating a fine (regular) grid of points that serve as candidate locations for the jittered
#' sample. This is a less computationally demanding jittering method because, by definition, the
#' new sample location will always fall in the spatial domain.
#' Using a finite set of candidate locations has two important inconveniences. First, not all
#' locations in the spatial domain can be selected as the new location for a jittered sample.
#' Second, when a sample is jittered, it may be that the new location already is occupied by another
#' sample. If this happens, another location has to be iteratively sought for, say, as many times as
#' the size of the sample configuration. In general, the larger the size of the sample
#' configuration, the more likely it is that the new location already is occupied by another sample.
#' If a solution is not found in a reasonable time, the the sample selected to be jittered is kept
#' in its original location. Such a procedure clearly is suboptimal.
#' __spsann__ uses a more elegant method which is based on using a finite set of candidate locations
#' coupled with a form of _two-stage random sampling_ as implemented in [spcosa::spsample()].
#' Because the candidate locations are placed on a finite regular grid, they can be taken as the
#' centre nodes of a finite set of grid cells (or pixels of a raster image). In the first stage, one
#' of the \dQuote{grid cells} is selected with replacement, i.e. independently of already being
#' occupied by another sample. The new location for the sample chosen to be jittered is selected
#' within that \dQuote{grid cell} by simple random sampling. This method guarantees that virtually
#' any location in the spatial domain can be selected. It also discards the need to check if the new
#' location already is occupied by another sample, speeding up the computations when compared to the
#' first two approaches.
#' }
#' @note
#' \subsection{Distance between two points}{
#' __spsann__ always computes the distance between two locations (points) as the
#' [Euclidean distance]( between them. This
#' computation requires the optimization to operate in the two-dimensional Euclidean space, i.e. the
#' coordinates of the sample, candidate and evaluation locations must be Cartesian coordinates,
#' generally in metres or kilometres. __spsann__ has no mechanism to check if the coordinates are
#' Cartesian: you are the sole responsible for making sure that this requirement is attained.
#' }
Laboratorio-de-Pedometria/spsann-package documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 3:14 p.m.