Man pages for Lamarche-Perrin/triversity
Diversity Measures on Multipartite Graphs

get_all_diversitiesCompute all diversity flows associated to different random...
get_distribution_from_pathCompute the probability distribution associated to a random...
get_diversity_from_distributionCompute the diversity of a probability distribution.
get_diversity_from_pathCompute the diversity associated to a random walk following a...
get_diversity_from_transitionCompute the diversity of a transition matrix, that is the...
get_multipartiteBuild a properly-structured multipartite graph from raw data.
get_transition_from_pathCompute the transition matrix of a random walk following a...
tripartite_exampleAn example of dataframe encoding a small tripartite graph.
triversityCompute diversity measures on multipartite graphs.
Lamarche-Perrin/triversity documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:36 p.m.