
# Predict function for Flexible mixture cure model
# Function for doing predictions for class \code{fmcm}
# @param fit Object of class \code{fcm} to do predictions from.
# @param newdata Data frame from which to compute predictions. If empty, predictions are made on the data which
# the model was fitted on.
# @param type Type of prediction to do. Possible values are \code{relsurv} (default) for the relative survival,
# \code{curerate} for the cure rate, \code{ehaz} for the excess hazard, \code{probcure} for the
# conditional probability of being cured, and \code{survuncured} for the disease-specific survival of the uncured.
# @param time Optional time points at which to compute predictions.
# This argument is not used if type is \code{curerate}.
# @param ci Logical. If \code{TRUE}, confidence intervals are computed.
# @param pars Numerical vector containing the parameters values of the model.
# In general, this argument can be ignored by the user.
# @return A list containing the predictions of each individual in \code{newdata}.

# predict.fcm <- function(fit, newdata = NULL, type = c("relsurv", "curerate", "ehaz", "probcure", "survuncured"),
#                         time = NULL, ci = T, pars = NULL){
#   type <- match.arg(type)
#   if(!is.null(pars)){
#     fit$coefs <- pars[1:length(fit$coefs)]
#     if(length(fit$coefs) < length(pars)){
#       fit$coefs.spline <- pars[(length(fit$coefs) + 1):length(pars)]
#     }else{
#       fit$coefs.spline <- NULL
#     }
#   }
#   is_null_newdata <- is.null(newdata)
#   if(is_null_newdata){
#     tt <- terms(fit$formula)
#     formula.2 <- formula(delete.response(tt))
#     vars <- c(all.vars(formula.2), all.vars(fit$formula_main), all.vars(fit$tvc.formula))
#     if(length(vars) != 0){
#       stop("'newdata' must be specified for model including covariates")
#     }
#     newdata <- data.frame(x = 1)
#     colnames(newdata) <- "(Intercept)"
#   }
#   link_fun_pi <- fit$link_fun_pi
#   link_fun_su <- fit$link_fun_su
#   dlink_fun_su <- fit$dlink_fun_su
#   all.coefs <- c(fit$coefs, fit$coefs.spline)
#   tt <- terms(fit$formula)
#   formula.2 <- formula(delete.response(tt))
#   M <- model.matrix(formula.2, newdata)
#   pi_fun <- function(pars, M) M %*% pars[1:ncol(M)]
#   pi <- get.inv.link("logit")(link_fun_pi(pi_fun(all.coefs, M)))
#   if(type == "curerate"){
#     pi <- data.frame(pi = pi)
#     if(ci & fit$ci){
#       grads <- jacobian(pi_fun, x = all.coefs, M = M)
#       pi$var <- apply(grads, MARGIN = 1, function(x) x %*% fit$covariance %*% x)
#       pi$ci.lower <- get.link("logit")(pi$pi - qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(pi$var))
#       pi$ci.upper <- get.link("logit")(pi$pi + qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(pi$var))
#     }
#     pi$pi <- get.link("logit")(pi$pi)
#     return(pi)
#   }else{
#     if(is.null(time)){
#       time <- seq(min(fit$times), max(fit$times), length.out = 100)
#     }
#     b <- cb(knots = fit$knots, x = log(time), ortho = fit$ortho, R.inv = fit$R.inv)
#     db <- dbasis(knots = fit$knots, x = log(time), ortho = fit$ortho, R.inv = fit$R.inv)
#     if(!is.null(fit$knots.time)){
#       tvc.b <- lapply(1:length(fit$knots.time), function(i){
#         cb(knots = fit$knots.time[[i]], x = log(time), ortho = fit$ortho, R.inv = fit$R.inv_list[[i]])
#       })
#       tvc.db <- lapply(1:length(fit$knots.time), function(i){
#         dbasis(knots = fit$knots.time[[i]], x = log(time), ortho = fit$ortho, R.inv = fit$R.inv_list[[i]])
#       })
#     }
#     M2.list <- lapply(1:nrow(newdata), function(i){
#       model.matrix(fit$formula_main, newdata[i, ,drop = F])[rep(1, nrow(b)),-1, drop = F]
#     })
#     M_list <- vector("list", nrow(newdata))
#     for(i in 1:nrow(newdata)){
#       M2 <- cbind(b, M2.list[[i]])
#       dM2 <- cbind(db, M2.list[[i]])
#       if(!is.null(fit$knots.time)){
#         M_time <- model.matrix(fit$tvc.formula, newdata)[,-1, drop = F]
#         b_time <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:ncol(M_time), function(j) tvc.b[[j]] * M_time[i, j]))
#         db_time <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:ncol(M_time), function(j) tvc.db[[j]] * M_time[i, j]))
#         dM2 <- cbind(dM2, db_time)
#         M2 <- cbind(M2, b_time)
#       }
#       M_list[[i]] <- list(M2 = M2, dM2 = dM2)
#     }
#     if(type == "relsurv"){
#       fun <- relsurv_fun
#       link.type <- "loglog"
#     }else if(type == "ehaz"){
#       fun <- ehaz_fun
#       link.type <- "identity"
#     }else if(type == "probcure"){
#       fun <- probcure_fun
#       link.type <- "probit"
#     }else if(type == "survuncured"){
#       fun <- survuncured_fun
#       link.type <- "loglog"
#     }
#     rss <- vector("list", nrow(newdata))
#     for(i in 1:nrow(newdata)){
#       rss[[i]] <- data.frame(Est = c(fun(all.coefs, M2 = M_list[[i]]$M2, M = M[i,, drop = FALSE],
#                                          dM2 = M_list[[i]]$dM2,
#                                          time = time, pi_fun = pi_fun, model = fit$type,
#                                          link_fun_pi = link_fun_pi, link_fun_su = link_fun_su,
#                                          dlink_fun_su = dlink_fun_su)))
#       if(ci){
#         grads <- jacobian(fun, x = all.coefs, M2 = M_list[[i]]$M2, M = M[i, , drop = FALSE],
#                           dM2 = M_list[[i]]$dM2, time = time, pi_fun = pi_fun, model = fit$type,
#                           link_fun_pi = link_fun_pi, link_fun_su = link_fun_su, dlink_fun_su = dlink_fun_su)
#         rss[[i]]$var <- apply(grads, MARGIN = 1, function(x) x %*% fit$covariance %*% x)
#         ci1 <- get.link(link.type)(rss[[i]]$Est - qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(rss[[i]]$var))
#         ci2 <- get.link(link.type)(rss[[i]]$Est + qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(rss[[i]]$var))
#         wh <- round(length(ci1) / (2 - .Machine$double.eps))
#         ci_max <- rep(which.max(c(ci1[wh], ci2[wh])), length(ci1))
#         rss[[i]]$ci.lower <- ifelse(ci_max == 1, ci2, ci1)
#         rss[[i]]$ci.upper <- ifelse(ci_max == 1, ci1, ci2)
#       }
#       rss[[i]]$Est <- get.link(link.type)(rss[[i]]$Est)
#       if(type %in% c("relsurv", "survuncured")){
#         if(ci){
#           rss[[i]][time == 0, ] <- c(1, 0, 1, 1)
#         }else{
#           rss[[i]][time == 0, ] <- 1
#           rss[[i]]$Est[is.na(rss[[i]]$Est)] <- 1
#         }
#       }
#     }
#     return(list(res = rss, time = time, type = type))
#   }
# }
# relsurv_fun <- function(pars, M, M2, dM2, time, pi_fun, model, link_fun_pi, link_fun_su, dlink_fun_su){
#   pi <- c(link_fun_pi(pi_fun(pars[1:ncol(M)], M)))
#   eta <- M2 %*% pars[-c(1:ncol(M))]
#   if(model == "mixture"){
#     get.inv.link("loglog")(pi + (1 - pi) * link_fun_su(eta))
#   }
#   else if(model == "nmixture"){
#     get.inv.link("loglog")(pi ^ (1 - link_fun_su(eta)))
#   }
# }
# ehaz_fun <- function(pars, M2, M, dM2, time, pi, pi_fun, model, link_fun_pi, link_fun_su, dlink_fun_su){
#   pi <- c(link_fun_pi(pi_fun(pars, M)))
#   eta <- M2 %*% pars[-c(1:ncol(M))]
#   deta <- dM2 %*% pars[-c(1:ncol(M))]
#   ds_u <- dlink_fun_su(eta)
#   if(model == "mixture"){
#     s_u <- link_fun_su(eta)
#     get.inv.link("identity")(-(1 - pi) * ds_u * (deta / time) / (pi + (1 - pi) * s_u))
#   }else if(model == "nmixture"){
#     get.inv.link("identity")(log(pi) * ds_u * deta / time)
#   }
# }
# probcure_fun <- function(pars, M2, M, dM2, time, pi, pi_fun, model, link_fun_pi, link_fun_su, dlink_fun_su){
#   pi <- c(link_fun_pi(pi_fun(pars, M)))
#   eta <- M2 %*% pars[-c(1:ncol(M))]
#   if(model == "mixture"){
#     rsurv <- pi + (1 - pi) * link_fun_su(eta)
#   }else if(model == "nmixture"){
#     rsurv <- pi ^ (1 - link_fun_su(eta))
#   }
#   get.inv.link("probit")(pi / rsurv)
# }
# survuncured_fun <- function(pars, M2, M, dM2, time, pi, pi_fun, model, link_fun_pi, link_fun_su, dlink_fun_su){
#   eta <- M2 %*% pars[-c(1:ncol(M))]
#   if(model == "mixture"){
#     get.inv.link("loglog")(link_fun_su(eta))
#   }else if(model == "nmixture"){
#     pi <- c(link_fun_pi(pi_fun(pars, M)))
#     rsurv <- pi ^ (1 - link_fun_su(eta))
#     get.inv.link("loglog")((rsurv - pi) / (1 - pi))
#   }
# }
LasseHjort/cuRe documentation built on July 6, 2023, 1:08 p.m.