
# predict.stpm2 <- function (object, newdata = NULL, type = c("surv", "cumhaz",
#                                                             "hazard", "density", "hr", "sdiff", "hdiff", "loghazard",
#                                                             "link", "meansurv", "meansurvdiff", "odds", "or", "margsurv",
#                                                             "marghaz", "marghr", "meanhaz", "af", "fail", "margfail",
#                                                             "meanmargsurv", "uncured", "probcure"), grid = FALSE, seqLength = 300,
#                            se.fit = FALSE, link = NULL, exposed = NULL, var = NULL,
#                            keep.attributes = TRUE, use.gr = TRUE, ...)
# {
#   type <- match.arg(type)
#   args <- object@args
#   if (type %in% c("fail", "margfail")) {
#     out <- 1 - predict.stpm2.base(object, newdata = newdata,
#                                   type = switch(type, fail = "surv", margfail = "margsurv"),
#                                   grid, seqLength, se.fit, link, exposed, var, keep.attributes,
#                                   use.gr, ...)
#     if (se.fit) {
#       temp <- out$lower
#       out$lower <- out$upper
#       out$upper <- temp
#     }
#     return(out)
#   }
#   if (is.null(exposed) && is.null(var) & type %in% c("hr",
#                                                      "sdiff", "hdiff", "meansurvdiff", "or", "marghr", "af",
#                                                      "uncured", "probcure"))
#     stop("Either exposed or var required for type in (\"hr\",\"sdiff\", \"hdiff\",\"meansurvdiff\",\"or\",\"marghr\",\"af\",\"uncured\", \"probcure\")")
#   if (type %in% c("margsurv", "marghaz", "marghr", "margfail",
#                   "meanmargsurv") && !object@args$frailty)
#     stop("Marginal prediction only for frailty models")
#   if (is.null(newdata) && type %in% c("hr", "sdiff", "hdiff",
#                                       "meansurvdiff", "or", "marghr", "uncured", "probcure"))
#     stop("Prediction using type in ('hr','sdiff','hdiff','meansurvdiff','or','marghr','uncured', 'probcure') requires newdata to be specified.")
#   calcX <- !is.null(newdata)
#   time <- NULL
#   if (is.null(newdata)) {
#     X <- object@x
#     XD <- object@xd
#     y <- object@y
#     time <- as.vector(y[, ncol(y) - 1])
#     newdata <- as.data.frame(object@data)
#   }
#   lpfunc <- if (inherits(object, "pstpm2"))
#     function(x, ...) {
#       newdata2 <- newdata
#       newdata2[[object@timeVar]] <- x
#       predict(object@gam, newdata2, type = "lpmatrix")
#     }
#   else function(delta, fit, data, var) {
#     data[[var]] <- data[[var]] + delta
#     lpmatrix.lm(fit, data)
#   }
#   if (grid) {
#     Y <- object@y
#     event <- Y[, ncol(Y)] == 1 | object@args$interval
#     time <- object@data[[object@timeVar]]
#     eventTimes <- time[event]
#     tt <- seq(min(eventTimes), max(eventTimes), length = seqLength)[-1]
#     data.x <- data.frame(tt)
#     names(data.x) <- object@timeVar
#     newdata[[object@timeVar]] <- NULL
#     newdata <- merge(newdata, data.x)
#     calcX <- TRUE
#   }
#   if (calcX) {
#     if (inherits(object, "stpm2")) {
#       X <- object@args$transX(lpmatrix.lm(object@lm, newdata),
#                               newdata)
#       XD <- grad(lpfunc, 0, object@lm, newdata, object@timeVar)
#       XD <- object@args$transXD(matrix(XD, nrow = nrow(X)))
#     }
#     if (inherits(object, "pstpm2")) {
#       X <- object@args$transX(predict(object@gam, newdata,
#                                       type = "lpmatrix"), newdata)
#       XD <- object@args$transXD(grad1(lpfunc, newdata[[object@timeVar]]))
#     }
#   }
#   if (is.null(time)) {
#     time <- eval(object@timeExpr, newdata, parent.frame())
#   }
#   if (type %in% c("hr", "sdiff", "hdiff", "meansurvdiff", "or",
#                   "marghr", "af", "uncured", "probcure")) {
#     newdata2 <- exposed(newdata)
#     if (inherits(object, "stpm2")) {
#       X2 <- object@args$transX(lpmatrix.lm(object@lm, newdata2),
#                                newdata2)
#       XD2 <- grad(lpfunc, 0, object@lm, newdata2, object@timeVar)
#       XD2 <- object@args$transXD(matrix(XD2, nrow = nrow(X)))
#     }
#     if (inherits(object, "pstpm2")) {
#       X2 <- object@args$transX(predict(object@gam, newdata2,
#                                        type = "lpmatrix"), newdata2)
#       XD2 <- object@args$transXD(grad1(lpfunc, newdata2[[object@timeVar]]))
#     }
#   }
#   colMeans <- function(x) colSums(x)/apply(x, 2, length)
#   if (object@frailty && type %in% c("af", "meansurvdiff") &&
#       args$RandDist == "Gamma" && !object@args$interval &&
#       !object@args$delayed) {
#     times <- newdata[[object@timeVar]]
#     utimes <- sort(unique(times))
#     n <- nrow(X)/length(utimes)
#     n.cluster <- length(unique(args$cluster))
#     link <- object@link
#     beta <- coef(object)
#     npar <- length(beta)
#     logtheta <- beta[npar]
#     theta <- exp(beta[npar])
#     beta <- beta[-npar]
#     Hessian <- solve(vcov(object))
#     eta <- as.vector(X %*% beta)
#     eta2 <- as.vector(X2 %*% beta)
#     S <- link$ilink(eta)
#     S2 <- link$ilink(eta2)
#     H <- -log(S)
#     H2 <- -log(S2)
#     marg <- function(logtheta, H) (1 + exp(logtheta) * H)^(-1/exp(logtheta))
#     margS <- marg(logtheta, H)
#     margS2 <- marg(logtheta, H2)
#     dmarg.dlogtheta <- function(logtheta, H) {
#       theta <- exp(logtheta)
#       marg(logtheta, H) * (exp(-logtheta) * log(1 + theta *
#                                                   H) - H/(1 + theta * H))
#     }
#     meanS <- tapply(margS, times, mean)
#     meanS2 <- tapply(margS2, times, mean)
#     fit <- switch(type, af = 1 - (1 - meanS2)/(1 - meanS),
#                   meansurvdiff = meanS - meanS2)
#     se.fit <- vector("numeric", length(utimes))
#     for (i in 1:length(utimes)) {
#       index <- which(times == utimes[i])
#       newobj <- object
#       newobj@args$X <- X[index, , drop = FALSE]
#       newobj@args$XD <- XD[index, , drop = FALSE]
#       gradli <- residuals(newobj, type = "gradli")
#       res <- cbind(margS[index] - mean(margS[index]), margS2[index] -
#                      mean(margS2[index]))
#       res <- apply(res, 2, function(col) tapply(col, args$cluster,
#                                                 sum))
#       res <- cbind(res, gradli)
#       meat <- stats::var(res, na.rm = TRUE)
#       colnames(meat) <- rownames(meat) <- c("S", "S0",
#                                             names(beta), "logtheta")
#       S.hessian <- cbind(-diag(2) * n/n.cluster, rbind(colSums(margS[index] *
#                                                                  (-link$gradH(eta[index], list(X = X[index, ,
#                                                                                                      drop = FALSE]))/(1 + theta * H[index])))/n.cluster,
#                                                        colSums(margS2[index] * (-link$gradH(eta2[index],
#                                                                                             list(X = X2[index, , drop = FALSE]))/(1 + theta *
#                                                                                                                                     H2[index])))/n.cluster), c(sum(dmarg.dlogtheta(logtheta,
#                                                                                                                                                                                    H[index]))/n.cluster, sum(dmarg.dlogtheta(logtheta,
#                                                                                                                                                                                                                              H2[index]))/n.cluster))
#       par.hessian <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = npar, ncol = 2),
#                            -Hessian/n.cluster)
#       bread <- rbind(S.hessian, par.hessian)
#       ibread <- solve(bread)
#       sandwich <- (ibread %*% meat %*% t(ibread)/n.cluster)[1:2,
#                                                             1:2]
#       gradient <- switch(type, af = as.matrix(c(-(1 - meanS2[i])/(1 -
#                                                                     meanS[i])^2, 1/(1 - meanS[i])), nrow = 2, ncol = 1),
#                          meansurvdiff = matrix(c(1, -1), nrow = 2))
#       AF.var <- t(gradient) %*% sandwich %*% gradient
#       se.fit[i] <- sqrt(AF.var)
#     }
#     pred <- data.frame(Estimate = fit, lower = fit - 1.96 *
#                          se.fit, upper = fit + 1.96 * se.fit)
#     if (keep.attributes)
#       attr(pred, "newdata") <- newdata
#     return(pred)
#   }
#   if (object@frailty && type %in% c("meanmargsurv") && args$RandDist ==
#       "Gamma" && !object@args$interval && !object@args$delayed) {
#     times <- newdata[[object@timeVar]]
#     utimes <- sort(unique(times))
#     n <- nrow(X)/length(utimes)
#     n.cluster <- length(unique(args$cluster))
#     link <- object@link
#     beta <- coef(object)
#     npar <- length(beta)
#     logtheta <- beta[npar]
#     theta <- exp(beta[npar])
#     beta <- beta[-npar]
#     Hessian <- solve(vcov(object))
#     eta <- as.vector(X %*% beta)
#     S <- link$ilink(eta)
#     H <- -log(S)
#     marg <- function(logtheta, H) (1 + exp(logtheta) * H)^(-1/exp(logtheta))
#     margS <- marg(logtheta, H)
#     dmarg.dlogtheta <- function(logtheta, H) {
#       theta <- exp(logtheta)
#       marg(logtheta, H) * (exp(-logtheta) * log(1 + theta *
#                                                   H) - H/(1 + theta * H))
#     }
#     meanS <- tapply(margS, times, mean)
#     fit <- meanS
#     se.fit <- vector("numeric", length(utimes))
#     for (i in 1:length(utimes)) {
#       index <- which(times == utimes[i])
#       newobj <- object
#       newobj@args$X <- X[index, , drop = FALSE]
#       newobj@args$XD <- XD[index, , drop = FALSE]
#       gradli <- residuals(newobj, type = "gradli")
#       res <- tapply(margS[index] - mean(margS[index]),
#                     args$cluster, sum)
#       res <- cbind(res, gradli)
#       meat <- stats::var(res, na.rm = TRUE)
#       colnames(meat) <- rownames(meat) <- c("S", names(beta),
#                                             "logtheta")
#       S.hessian <- c(-n/n.cluster, colSums(margS[index] *
#                                              (-link$gradH(eta[index], list(X = X[index, ,
#                                                                                  drop = FALSE]))/(1 + theta * H[index])))/n.cluster,
#                      sum(dmarg.dlogtheta(logtheta, H[index]))/n.cluster)
#       par.hessian <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = npar, ncol = 1),
#                            -Hessian/n.cluster)
#       bread <- rbind(S.hessian, par.hessian)
#       ibread <- solve(bread)
#       sandwich <- (ibread %*% meat %*% t(ibread)/n.cluster)[1,
#                                                             1]
#       se.fit[i] <- sqrt(sandwich)
#     }
#     pred <- data.frame(Estimate = fit, lower = fit - 1.96 *
#                          se.fit, upper = fit + 1.96 * se.fit)
#     if (keep.attributes)
#       attr(pred, "newdata") <- newdata
#     return(pred)
#   }
#   local <- function(object, newdata = NULL, type = "surv",
#                     exposed) {
#     beta <- coef(object)
#     tt <- object@terms
#     link <- object@link
#     if (object@frailty) {
#       theta <- exp(beta[length(beta)])
#       beta <- beta[-length(beta)]
#       if (object@args$RandDist == "LogN") {
#         gauss_x <- object@args$gauss_x
#         gauss_w <- object@args$gauss_w
#         Z <- model.matrix(args$Z.formula, newdata)
#         if (ncol(Z) > 1)
#           stop("Current implementation only allows for a single random effect")
#         Z <- as.vector(Z)
#       }
#     }
#     eta <- as.vector(X %*% beta)
#     etaD <- as.vector(XD %*% beta)
#     S <- link$ilink(eta)
#     h <- link$h(eta, etaD)
#     if (!object@args$excess && any(h < 0))
#       warning(sprintf("Predicted hazards less than zero (n=%i).",
#                       sum(h < 0)))
#     H = link$H(eta)
#     Sigma = vcov(object)
#     if (type == "link") {
#       return(eta)
#     }
#     if (type == "cumhaz") {
#       return(H)
#     }
#     if (type == "density")
#       return(S * h)
#     if (type == "surv") {
#       return(S)
#     }
#     if (type == "fail") {
#       return(1 - S)
#     }
#     if (type == "odds") {
#       return((1 - S)/S)
#     }
#     if (type == "sdiff")
#       return(link$ilink(as.vector(X2 %*% beta)) - S)
#     if (type == "hazard") {
#       return(h)
#     }
#     if (type == "loghazard") {
#       return(log(h))
#     }
#     if (type == "hdiff") {
#       eta2 <- as.vector(X2 %*% beta)
#       etaD2 <- as.vector(XD2 %*% beta)
#       h2 <- link$h(eta2, etaD2)
#       return(h2 - h)
#     }
#     if (type == "uncured") {
#       S2 <- link$ilink(as.vector(X2 %*% beta))
#       return((S - S2)/(1 - S2))
#     }
#     if(type == "probcure"){
#       S2 <- link$ilink(as.vector(X2 %*% beta))
#       return(S2 / S)
#     }
#     if (type == "hr") {
#       eta2 <- as.vector(X2 %*% beta)
#       etaD2 <- as.vector(XD2 %*% beta)
#       h2 <- link$h(eta2, etaD2)
#       return(h2/h)
#     }
#     if (type == "or") {
#       S2 <- link$ilink(as.vector(X2 %*% beta))
#       return((1 - S2)/S2/((1 - S)/S))
#     }
#     if (type == "meansurv") {
#       return(tapply(S, newdata[[object@timeVar]], mean))
#     }
#     if (type == "meanhaz") {
#       return(tapply(S * h, newdata[[object@timeVar]], sum)/tapply(S,
#                                                                   newdata[[object@timeVar]], sum))
#     }
#     if (type == "meansurvdiff") {
#       eta2 <- as.vector(X2 %*% beta)
#       S2 <- link$ilink(eta2)
#       return(tapply(S2, newdata[[object@timeVar]], mean) -
#                tapply(S, newdata[[object@timeVar]], mean))
#     }
#     if (type == "af") {
#       eta2 <- as.vector(X2 %*% beta)
#       S2 <- link$ilink(eta2)
#       meanS <- tapply(S, newdata[[object@timeVar]], mean)
#       meanS2 <- tapply(S2, newdata[[object@timeVar]], mean)
#       if (object@frailty) {
#         if (object@args$RandDist == "Gamma") {
#           meanS <- tapply((1 + theta * (-log(S)))^(-1/theta),
#                           newdata[[object@timeVar]], mean)
#           meanS2 <- tapply((1 + theta * (-log(S2)))^(-1/theta),
#                            newdata[[object@timeVar]], mean)
#         }
#         else {
#           meanS <- tapply(sapply(1:length(gauss_x), function(i) link$ilink(eta +
#                                                                              Z * sqrt(2) * sqrt(theta) * gauss_x[i])) %*%
#                             gauss_w/sqrt(pi), newdata[[object@timeVar]],
#                           mean)
#           meanS2 <- tapply(sapply(1:length(gauss_x),
#                                   function(i) link$ilink(eta2 + Z * sqrt(2) *
#                                                            sqrt(theta) * gauss_x[i])) %*% gauss_w/sqrt(pi),
#                            newdata[[object@timeVar]], mean)
#         }
#       }
#       return((meanS2 - meanS)/(1 - meanS))
#     }
#     if (type == "meanmargsurv") {
#       stopifnot(object@frailty && object@args$RandDist %in%
#                   c("Gamma", "LogN"))
#       if (object@args$RandDist == "Gamma")
#         return(tapply((1 + theta * H)^(-1/theta), newdata[[object@timeVar]],
#                       mean))
#       if (object@args$RandDist == "LogN") {
#         return(tapply(sapply(1:length(gauss_x), function(i) link$ilink(eta +
#                                                                          Z * sqrt(2) * sqrt(theta) * gauss_x[i])) %*%
#                         gauss_w/sqrt(pi), newdata[[object@timeVar]],
#                       mean))
#       }
#     }
#     if (type == "margsurv") {
#       stopifnot(object@args$frailty && object@args$RandDist %in%
#                   c("Gamma", "LogN"))
#       if (object@args$RandDist == "Gamma")
#         return((1 + theta * H)^(-1/theta))
#       if (object@args$RandDist == "LogN") {
#         return(sapply(1:length(gauss_x), function(i) link$ilink(eta +
#                                                                   Z * sqrt(2) * sqrt(theta) * gauss_x[i])) %*%
#                  gauss_w/sqrt(pi))
#       }
#     }
#     if (type == "marghaz") {
#       stopifnot(object@frailty && object@args$RandDist %in%
#                   c("Gamma", "LogN"))
#       if (object@args$RandDist == "Gamma") {
#         return(h/(1 + H * theta))
#       }
#       if (object@args$RandDist == "LogN") {
#         return(sapply(1:length(gauss_x), function(i) link$h(eta +
#                                                               Z * sqrt(2) * sqrt(theta) * gauss_x[i], etaD)) %*%
#                  gauss_w/sqrt(pi))
#       }
#     }
#     if (type == "marghr") {
#       stopifnot(object@frailty && object@args$RandDist %in%
#                   c("Gamma", "LogN"))
#       eta2 <- as.vector(X2 %*% beta)
#       etaD2 <- as.vector(XD2 %*% beta)
#       if (object@args$RandDist == "Gamma") {
#         H2 <- link$H(eta2)
#         h2 <- link$h(eta2, etaD2)
#         margsurv <- (1 + theta * H)^(-1/theta)
#         marghaz <- h * margsurv^theta
#         margsurv2 <- (1 + theta * H2)^(-1/theta)
#         marghaz2 <- h2 * margsurv2^theta
#       }
#       if (object@args$RandDist == "LogN") {
#         marghaz <- sapply(1:length(gauss_x), function(i) as.vector(link$h(eta +
#                                                                             Z * sqrt(2) * sqrt(theta) * gauss_x[i], etaD))) %*%
#           gauss_w/sqrt(pi)
#         marghaz2 <- sapply(1:length(gauss_x), function(i) as.vector(link$h(eta2 +
#                                                                              Z * sqrt(2) * sqrt(theta) * gauss_x[i], etaD2))) %*%
#           gauss_w/sqrt(pi)
#       }
#       return(marghaz2/marghaz)
#     }
#   }
#   pred <- if (!se.fit) {
#     local(object, newdata, type = type, exposed = exposed,
#           ...)
#   }
#   else {
#     gd <- NULL
#     beta <- coef(object)
#     if (is.null(link))
#       link <- switch(type, surv = "cloglog", cumhaz = "log",
#                      hazard = "log", hr = "log", sdiff = "I", hdiff = "I",
#                      loghazard = "I", link = "I", odds = "log", or = "log",
#                      margsurv = "cloglog", marghaz = "log", marghr = "log",
#                      meansurv = "I", meanhaz = "I", af = "I",
#                      uncured = "cloglog", probcure = "cloglog")
#     if (use.gr) {
#       colMeans <- function(x) apply(x, 2, mean)
#       collapse <- function(gd) do.call("cbind", tapply(1:nrow(gd),
#                                                        newdata[[object@timeVar]], function(index) colMeans(gd[index,
#                                                                                                               , drop = FALSE])))
#       collapse1 <- function(S) as.vector(tapply(S, newdata[[object@timeVar]],
#                                                 mean))
#       fd <- function(f, x, eps = 1e-05) t(sapply(1:length(x),
#                                                  function(i) {
#                                                    upper <- lower <- x
#                                                    upper[i] = x[i] + eps
#                                                    lower[i] = x[i] - eps
#                                                    (f(upper) - f(lower))/2/eps
#                                                  }))
#       if (type == "hazard" && link %in% c("I", "log")) {
#         betastar <- if (args$frailty)
#           beta[-length(beta)]
#         else beta
#         gd <- switch(link, I = t(object@link$gradh(X %*%
#                                                      betastar, XD %*% betastar, list(X = X, XD = XD))),
#                      log = t(object@link$gradh(X %*% betastar, XD %*%
#                                                  betastar, list(X = X, XD = XD))/object@link$h(X %*%
#                                                                                                  betastar, XD %*% betastar)))
#       }
#       if (type == "meansurv" && !object@frailty) {
#         gd <- collapse(object@link$gradS(X %*% beta,
#                                          X))
#       }
#       if (type == "meansurvdiff" && !object@frailty) {
#         gd <- collapse(object@link$gradS(X2 %*% beta,
#                                          X2) - object@link$gradS(X %*% beta, X))
#       }
#       if (type == "margsurv" && link %in% c("I", "cloglog") &&
#           args$RandDist == "Gamma") {
#         theta <- exp(beta[length(beta)])
#         betastar <- beta[-length(beta)]
#         eta <- as.vector(X %*% betastar)
#         H <- as.vector(object@link$H(eta))
#         gradH <- object@link$gradH(eta, list(X = X))
#         S0 <- 1 + theta * H
#         margS <- S0^(-1/theta)
#         if (link == "I")
#           gd <- t(cbind(-margS * gradH/(1 + theta * H),
#                         margS * (1/theta * log(1 + theta * H) - H/(1 +
#                                                                      theta * H))))
#         if (link == "cloglog")
#           gd <- t(cbind(-(theta^2 * S0^(-theta - 1) *
#                             gradH/(S0^(-theta) * (-theta) * log(S0))),
#                         (theta * log(S0) * S0^(-theta) - theta^2 *
#                            H * S0^(-1 - theta))/(S0^(-theta) * (-theta *
#                                                                   log(S0)))))
#       }
#       if (type == "marghaz" && link %in% c("I", "log") &&
#           args$RandDist == "Gamma") {
#         theta <- exp(beta[length(beta)])
#         betastar <- beta[-length(beta)]
#         eta <- as.vector(X %*% betastar)
#         etaD <- as.vector(XD %*% betastar)
#         H <- as.vector(object@link$H(eta))
#         h <- as.vector(object@link$h(eta, etaD))
#         gradH <- object@link$gradH(eta, list(X = X))
#         gradh <- object@link$gradh(eta, etaD, list(X = X,
#                                                    XD = XD))
#         S0 <- 1 + theta * H
#         margS <- S0^(-1/theta)
#         if (link == "I")
#           gd <- t(cbind((S0 * gradh - theta * h * gradH)/(theta^2 *
#                                                             H^2 + S0), -(theta * H * h/theta^2 * H^2 +
#                                                                            S0)))
#         if (link == "log")
#           gd <- t(cbind((S0 * gradh - theta * h * gradH)/(S0 *
#                                                             h), -theta * H/S0))
#       }
#       if (type == "af" && !object@frailty) {
#         meanS <- collapse1(as.vector(object@link$ilink(X %*%
#                                                          beta)))
#         meanS2 <- collapse1(as.vector(object@link$ilink(X2 %*%
#                                                           beta)))
#         gradS <- collapse(object@link$gradS(X %*% beta,
#                                             X))
#         gradS2 <- collapse(object@link$gradS(X2 %*% beta,
#                                              X2))
#         gd <- t((t(gradS2 - gradS) * (1 - meanS) + (meanS2 -
#                                                       meanS) * t(gradS))/(1 - meanS)^2)
#       }
#     }
#     predictnl.rstpm2(object, local, newdata = newdata,
#                      type = type, gd = if (use.gr)
#                        gd
#                      else NULL, exposed = exposed, ...)
#   }
#   if (keep.attributes)
#     attr(pred, "newdata") <- newdata
#   return(pred)
# }
# predictnl.rstpm2 <- function (object, fun, newdata = NULL, gd = NULL, ...)
# {
#   if (is.null(newdata) && !is.null(object$data))
#     newdata <- object$data
#   localf <- function(coefs, ...) {
#     if ("coefficients" %in% names(object)) {
#       object$coefficients <- coefs
#     }
#     else if ("coef" %in% names(object)) {
#       object$coef <- coefs
#     }
#     else object@fullcoef <- coefs
#     fun(object, ...)
#   }
#   numDeltaMethod(object, localf, newdata = newdata, gd = gd,
#                           ...)
# }
# grad1 <- function(func,x,...)
# {
#   h <- .Machine$double.eps^(1/3)*ifelse(abs(x)>1,abs(x),1)
#   temp <- x+h
#   h.hi <- temp-x
#   temp <- x-h
#   h.lo <- x-temp
#   twoeps <- h.hi+h.lo
#   ny <- length(func(x,...))
#   if (ny==0L) stop("Length of function equals 0")
#   (func(x+h, ...) - func(x-h, ...))/twoeps
# }
# numDeltaMethod <- function(object,fun,gd=NULL,...) {
#   coef <- coef(object)
#   est <- fun(coef,...)
#   Sigma <- vcov(object)
#   if (is.null(gd))
#     gd <- grad(fun,coef,...)
#   ## se.est <- as.vector(sqrt(diag(t(gd) %*% Sigma %*% gd)))
#   se.est <- as.vector(sqrt(colSums(gd* (Sigma %*% gd))))
#   data.frame(Estimate = est, SE = se.est)
# }
LasseHjort/cuRe documentation built on July 6, 2023, 1:08 p.m.