xgboost Online Installer

This is Laurae's xgboost online installer: it allows to install xgboost from source directly from your R terminal.




You need to define the proper compiler to use. It could be:

It is as simple as this:

xgbdl::xgb.dl(compiler = "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64")

For GPU installation in R:

xgbdl::xgb.dl(compiler = "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64", use_gpu = TRUE)

For AVX support in R:

xgbdl::xgb.dl(compiler = "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64", use_avx = TRUE)

Make sure to have the necessary pre-requisites:

Tested working on:

Make sure also to provide a version older than the v0.7: commit dmlc/xgboost@8d35c09 on Dec 30 2017, otherwise you will get funny stuff.

Laurae2/xgbdl documentation built on May 23, 2019, 3:04 p.m.