  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"
inline <- "/`r convert_bet_to_entity('SIp')`/"

worldbet: Convert WorldBet to IPA

This micropackage converts WorldBet ASCII characters for English sounds into UTF-8 character and HTML entities.

Inside of R: RStudio

RStudio has rich support for UTF-8 symbols. Here is how some WorldBet-to-IPA conversions look in RStudio.


# that
#> [1] "ðæt"

# uh-oh
#> [1] "ʌʔo"

# water, weather (vector input)
convert_bet_to_ipa(c("wA)&_r", "wED&_r"))
#> [1] "wɑɾɚ" "wɛðɚ"

Inside of R: Command Line

From the command prompt on Windows, R falls back to escape sequences during the conversions.

# that

# uh-oh

# water, weather (vector input)
convert_bet_to_ipa(c("wA)&_r", "wED&_r"))

Outside of R: HTML Entities

For RMarkdown documents, we can use HTML entities for in-text use of IPA. For example, we could write the following RMarkdown in our prose:

The word was `r inline` ("ship").

RMarkdown-to-markdown conversion then yields the following text with HTML entities instead of WorldBet symbols:

The word was /`r convert_bet_to_entity("SIp")`/ ("ship").

Finally, markdown-to-HTML conversion yields the following human-readable form of the symbols.

The word was /r convert_bet_to_entity("SIp")/ ("ship").

WorldBet specification

The table below shows the implementation of the WorldBet used in the package.

as_literal <- function(xs) sprintf("`%s`", xs)
worldbet_key %>% 
  mutate(HTML_Entity = as_literal(Entity),
         WorldBet = as_literal(WorldBet)) %>% 
  select(WorldBet, IPA = Entity, `HTML Entity` = HTML_Entity) %>% 

LearningToTalk/worldbet documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:49 p.m.