Man pages for LiamDBailey/Baileyetal_2019_JAE

AREAWhether or not study sub-areas were used in a given year.
FLEDGE_DATANumber of fledglings recorded in each territory 1984 - 2016.
GRIDA SpatialPolygonDataFrame object of the 50m x 50m grid.
GRID_100A SpatialPolygonDataFrame object of the 100m x 100m grid.
GRID_DENSITYTerritory density in 50m x 50m grid squares between 1984 -...
GULLYSpatialPolygonsDataFrame of tidal gullies.
Nest_elevationElevation of H ostralegus nests 1995 - 2016.
plot_figS7Make grid plot of 2013 - 2016 settlement
Raw_fledge_dataTotal number of fledglings produced in 50m x 50m grid squares...
SETTLE_poissonTerritory settlement of H ostralegus in 50m x 50m grid...
SETTLE_poisson_100Territory settlement of H ostralegus in 100m x 100m grid...
TerritoriesSpatialPolygonsDataFrame of territory boundaries 1984 - 2016.
TERR_PTSSpatialPointsDataFrame of territory centre points 1984 -...
VacatedTerritoriesTerritory vacancy patterns of H. ostralegus 1984 - 2015
LiamDBailey/Baileyetal_2019_JAE documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:58 a.m.