read_md_to_df_str: Read Markdown File and Convert to a Structured DataFrame

View source: R/md_to_df_str.R

read_md_to_df_strR Documentation

Read Markdown File and Convert to a Structured DataFrame


Reads a Markdown file using readLines and parses the content into a structured DataFrame based on the Markdown headings. The function allows optional aggregation of content under each heading and flexible reading of files with additional readLines arguments.


  summarize = TRUE,
  collapse = ", ",
  readLines_args = list()



A character string naming a file, a connection, or literal data (either a single string or a raw vector) to be read.


Logical, if TRUE, content under each heading is summarized into a single cell per heading level; if FALSE, each line retains its own row in the output DataFrame.


The string to use when collapsing multiple lines of content under each heading when summarize = TRUE.


A list of additional arguments to pass to readLines(). This can include any parameter that readLines accepts like encoding, etc.


A data.frame where each row corresponds to a heading or content line. If summarize is TRUE, each heading level is condensed into a single entry. The columns of the DataFrame represent the hierarchical levels (headings) and the content under these headings.


# Read a local Markdown file and convert to a DataFrame
# df <- read_md_to_df_str("path/to/your/")

# Read a Markdown file with content summarization disabled
# df <- read_md_to_df_str("path/to/your/", summarize = FALSE)

# Read a Markdown file with specific encoding
# df <- read_md_to_df_str("path/to/your/", readLines_args = list(encoding = "UTF-8"))

Lightbridge-KS/lbdoc documentation built on May 16, 2024, 3:03 p.m.