packageForGapminder: packageForGapminder: Make it easier to see if there are any...



While you are analysing gapminder dataset, you may want to find out if there are any linear relationship between variables pop/lifeExp/gapPercap and year for each country. Thus you would need to extract relevant data out for a country first, then employ lm() to fit a linear model to the data, and write a bunch lines of code to create a table/plot to show the relationship intuitively. It would be very annoying if you must repeat all codes everytime when you want to check the relationship for a country. Therefore, this package is created to make it easier to model pop/lifeExp/gdpPercap VS year for countries in gapminder dataset, as well as to make it possible to use only one line code to help you get a intuitive view on how well pop/lifeExp/gdpPercap and year in gapminder dataset fits a linear model.

LinaQiu/packageForGapminder documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:20 p.m.