
R package for multiple comparisons of several binomial distributions.


This package was developed because of the need of applicable statistical procedure to compare numbers (proportions, respectively) of dead and alive trees after experiment between selected treatments. In our case, we were evaluating three variants of fertilization applied to young trees and recording number of surviving and dead individuals. The sample table is included (under name testtab).

Method, reference

Method used in this package is described in article by Agresti, Bini et al. (2008). Full citation:

Agresti, A., Bini, M., Bertacinni, B., & Ryu, E. (2008). Simultaneous confidence intervals for comparing binomial parameters. Biometrics, 64, 1270-1275.


To install this package, simply run following commands in the R environment.


Contents of the package

The package contains the bin.test function. The function has one input, which should be formatted as data frame (see below). The first row of the table is its header (here shown in bold). The package also includes print.bintest function for formatting the results and sample table testtab.



Input data

The input data should be in following form:

| Treatment | Outcome 1 | Outcome 2 | |---------------: |:---------: |:---------: | | First option | a (no. of cases) | b | | Second option | c | d | | Third option | e | f | | ... | ... | ... |

The letters stands for counts of cases in respective treatment/outcome combination. The table shoud be of class data.frame.


mc: This table contains information about multiple comparisons result. Row names of table specifies respective pairwise multiple comparison.

CI: Confidence intervals of probability (ratio) of numbers in second/third column for each treatment. This ratio is always computed as count of cases defined in second column/count of cases defined in third column.

errbars: This table shows error bars distances (95%) for plotting the result.

obs_variable: Variable (defined as name of second column of the input table) for which the ratio is computed.


For example, input


into R console.


If you want to help with development, feel free to contact me or do whatever you want with the package.

Lindros9203/mcbintest documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:06 a.m.