Man pages for LionelRohner/LRTools
A collection of functions written for analyzing Illumina HM450 and EPIC data

Beta_To_MConversion of beta-values to M-values
champ.load_extendedModified champ.load function from the _ChAMP_ package
checkBMIQPlot the beta distribution of Infinium I and II probes before...
cohensDCohen's D
cohensD_PairedCohen's D for paired data
exVarPlotVisualize explained variance of PC-1 and PC-2 of a matrix...
NamesDeltaBetaCutExtraction of CpG-probes IDs or indices based on delta...
powerCalcPower and sample size estimation
powerCalcPlotPlotting PowerCalc Results
topN_variableXFind top most variable row entries in a microarray data...
LionelRohner/LRTools documentation built on Dec. 17, 2021, 1:10 a.m.