Man pages for LucasBusta/phylochemistry
Chemical and Sequence Analyses in a Phylogenetic Context

alignSequencesAlign sequences in a seqlist
blastTranscriptomesBLAST search local transcriptomes
buildPolylistBuild a human-readable matrix of samples, analytes, and...
buildTreeConstruct various types of phylogenetic trees from alignments...
convertCDFstoCSVsConvert mass spectral datafiles (CDF) into a csv file
drawAlignmentGenerate a multiple alignment graphic using ggplot
extractChromatogramsFromCSVsExtract total ion chromatograms from csv files containing...
extractORFsExtract open reading frames from multifasta files
generateTicksCreate major and minor axes ticks and labels
integrationAppA Shiny app to integrate GC-FID and GC-MS data
normalizeNormalizes a vector of numbers to a range of zero to one.
OsDirectoryPathCorrectOS-aware correction of directory paths
phylogeneticSignalConvert mass spectral datafiles (CDF) into a csv file
pruneTreePrune a tree so it only contains user-specified tips
readChromatogramsImport chromatograms stored as ChemStation exported .csv...
readFastaReturns contents of one fasta file as a StringSet object.
readManyFastaReturns the contents of many fasta files as a StringSet...
readMonolistReads a monolist
readPolylistReads a polylist
readSpectraImport mass spectral data
readTreeReads a phylogenetic tree
writeFastaWrites one or more sequences as a single fasta file
writeMonolistWrites a monolist
writePolylistWrites a polylist
writeSingleFastasWrites one or more sequences as individual fasta file(s),...
writeSupplementalTableWrites a human-readable supplemental table of quantitative...
writeTreeWrites a phylogenetic tree
LucasBusta/phylochemistry documentation built on Sept. 6, 2020, 11:51 a.m.