
sharing demo

Lucy D’Agostino McGowan 5/3/2017

This is a little demo to show how we may view sharing.

write.table("This is a little demo", "demo.txt")
drive_upload("demo.txt", "Happy Little Demo")
## File uploaded to Google Drive: 
## demo.txt 
## As the Google text/plain named:
## Happy Little Demo
my_file <- drive_list("Happy Little Demo")$id %>%

check current permissions

## File name: Happy Little Demo 
## File owner: tidyverse testdrive 
## File type: text/plain 
## Last modified: 2017-05-22 
## Access: Shared with specific people.

cool beans - it's private!

change permissions (anyone with link)

all functions that will somehow change the file will output a new file, overwrite the old file with this to avoid confusion

my_file<- my_file %>%
  drive_share(role = "reader", type = "anyone")
## The permissions for file 'Happy Little Demo' have been updated

Let's see what that did

## File name: Happy Little Demo 
## File owner: tidyverse testdrive 
## File type: text/plain 
## Last modified: 2017-05-22 
## Access: Anyone who has the link can access. No sign-in required.

Now anyone with the link can view it

change permissions (anyone in the 🌐)

my_file <- my_file %>%
  drive_share(role = "reader", type = "anyone", allowFileDiscovery = "true")
## The permissions for file 'Happy Little Demo' have been updated

Let's see what that did

## File name: Happy Little Demo 
## File owner: tidyverse testdrive 
## File type: text/plain 
## Last modified: 2017-05-22 
## Access: Anyone on the internet can find and access. No sign-in required.

make it easier to see

I've added access to the Google Drive file object

## [1] "Anyone on the internet can find and access. No sign-in required."

share link

you can also output a link to share

## [1] ""

clean up

## The file 'Happy Little Demo' has been deleted from your Google Drive

LucyMcGowan/googledrive documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 3:30 a.m.