r if(knitr::is_html_output()) '<!--'

\newpage \textcolor{red}{Please note that \textbf{the PDF version is a supplement with limited functionality} (e.g., no interactive exercises) - we recommend that you use the webpage as much as possible}.

r if(knitr::is_html_output()) '-->'

# automatically create a bib database for R packages
# add any packages you want to cite here
  .packages(), 'bookdown', 'tidyverse'
), 'packages.bib')

Overview {-}

This guide supports the Core Quantitative Methods Course offered by the Goldsmiths' Graduate School. It is a living document and currently focuses on R at the expense of broader considerations of quantitative research, but will grow over time - please raise any issues and suggestions here. It does not follow the order of sessions in the course; instead, it is ordered in a way that might allow you to see connections and hopefully helps to look things up more easily.

Further sources

This guide does not aim to be comprehensive, but just to provide sufficient orientation. There are many fantastic free online resources that go further.

Free online books

Our class exercises

We will work through most concepts in class exercises. They will appear week-by-week on Moodle, with the solutions released after class. However, you can also find a version of exercises and solutions here{target="_blank"}, which offers a better search of the content. The first time round, try the exercise without looking at the solution - but use this when you want to find something again.

Paper/library books

Other key resources

Why R?

R is not the easiest statistical software to learn, but we are confident that it is the most useful. This article{target="_blank"} on why SPSS is dying provides some arguments for why that is the case, while Andy Fields (a leading stats teacher and textbook author) offers his case for learning R here{target="_blank"}.

LukasWallrich/GoldCoreQuants documentation built on Nov. 27, 2021, 1:58 a.m.