Man pages for LunaSare/gplatesr
GPlates examples

black_whitePlot map as in plot_gplates with default black background and...
gplates_plate_boundariesReconstruct plate boundaries
gplates_plate_polygonsReconstruct plate polygons
gplates_reconstruct_coastlinesReconstruct ancient coastlines
gplates_reconstruct_pointReconstruct a point
gplates_reconstruct_static_polygonsReconstruct static polygons
land_seaPlot map as in plot_gplates with user set land and sea colors
launch_dockerLaunch the service via docker
plot_gplatesPlot a map of tectonic plates and boundries at any point in...
plot_gplates_cartesianPlot a map of tectonic plates and boundries at any point in...
LunaSare/gplatesr documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 12:27 a.m.