dat <- read.table("401kjae.txt")
#The standard deviation of variables
y <- dat[,1]
x <- cbind(dat[,2], log(dat[,3]), log(dat[,3])^2, dat[,4], (dat[,4])^2, dat[,5])
colnames(x) <- c("mrate", "lemp", "lemp2","age", "age2","sole")
f <- frm(y, x, linkfrac = "logit", table = FALSE)
#The standard deviation of estimated coefficients
x <- as.data.frame(x, row.names = TRUE)
ols <- lm(y ~ x$mrate + x$lemp + x$lemp2 + x$age + x$age2 +x$sole)
#frmselect() to do the model selection
#The four examples
x <- as.matrix(x, row.names = TRUE)
frmselect(x,y, criterion = "AIC",linkfrac = "logit", plotit=TRUE)#The default is forward
#frmselect(x,y, criterion = "AIC",linkfrac = "logit", method = "allsubsets") 
#frmselect(x,y, criterion = "AIC",linkfrac = "logit", method = "backward")
#frmselect(x,y, criterion = "AIC",linkfrac = "logit", method = "both")
#betaselect() to do the model selection
#The four examples
newdat <- data.frame(y, x)
subdat <- newdat[y<1,]
suby <- subdat[,1]
subx <- subdat[,-1]
subx <- as.matrix(subdat[,-1])
betaselect(subx, suby, plotit = TRUE)
#betaselect(subx, suby, method = "backward")
#betaselect(subx, suby, method = "both")
#betaselect(subx, suby, method = "allsubsets")
#Another way by replacing 1 with 0.9999
y[y==1] <- 0.9999
betaselect(x, y)
#betaselect(x, y, method = "backward")
#betaselect(x, y, metihod = "both")
#betaselect(x, y, method = "allsubsets")
#Testing whether the modified quasi-binomial family frm_bamlss()function works
x <- as.data.frame(x, row.names = TRUE)
y <- dat[,1]
d <- data.frame(y,x)
formula <- as.formula(paste("y ~ ", paste(colnames(x), collapse = "+")))
b <- bamlss(formula, data = d, family = frm_bamlss(link = "logit") ,sampler = FALSE,
            multiple = FALSE)
f <- frm::frm(y, x, linkfrac = "logit", table = FALSE)
#probit link
bsub <- bamlss(formula, data = subdat, family = frm_bamlss(link = "probit"), 
               sampler = FALSE, multiple = FALSE)
f1 <- frm(suby, subx, linkfrac = "probit", table = FALSE)
#Lasso Procedure
#Using quasi-binomial family
dat <- read.table("401kjae.txt")
y <- dat[,1]
x <- cbind(dat[,2], log(dat[,3]), log(dat[,3])^2, dat[,4], (dat[,4])^2, dat[,5])
colnames(x) <- c("mrate", "lemp", "lemp2","age", "age2","sole")
x <- as.data.frame(x, row.names = TRUE)
x$sole <- as.factor(x$sole)
d <- data.frame(y,x)
xname <- colnames(x)
ind <- sapply(x, is.factor)
ind <- which(ind) #find the index of the factor variables
f1 <- as.formula(paste(" ~ ", paste(xname[-ind], collapse = "+")))
f2 <- as.formula(paste(" ~ ", paste(xname[ind], collapse = "+")))
formula <- y ~ la(f1) + la(f2) #form the formula with two kinds of variables
b <- bamlss(formula, data = d, family = frm_bamlss(link = "logit"), sampler = FALSE,
            optimizer = lasso, nlambda = 100, upper = 1e+08, lower = 1e+03, 
            multiple = FALSE)
coefi <- lasso.coef(b)
lasso.select <- function(x, coefficent, threshold = 1e-3){
    stop("Threshold should be a number!")
  n <- length(coefficent) #n is the number of the coefficients
  ncommon <- length(x[,-ind]) #the number of the common variables
  nfactor <- length(levels(x[,ind]))  #find the number of levels of factor variables
  #nfactor <- length(unique(x[,ind]))
  #Extract the penalized parameters of common and factor variables separately.
  tau.common <- coefficent[ncommon+1]
  tau.factor <- coefficent[ncommon+nfactor+1]
  #The relation between tau and lambda is an inverse relationship
  lambda.common <- 1/tau.common
  names(lambda.common) <- "mu.s.la(f1).lambda"
  lambda.factor <- 1/tau.factor
  names(lambda.factor) <- "mu.s.la(f2).lambda"
  index.tau <- c(ncommon+1, ncommon+nfactor+1)
  coefi.new <- coefficent[-index.tau] #the new coeffients doesn't contain the penalized parameters
  lasso.index <- NULL
  #Users can set this threshold as whatever they like. The default value is 1e-3
  for(i in 1:length(coefi.new)){
    if(abs(coefi.new[i]) < threshold){
      coefi.new[i] = 0
      lasso.index <- c(lasso.index, i)
  return(list(lambda.common = lambda.common, lambda.factor = lambda.factor,
              lasso.index = lasso.index, modified.coefficients = coefi.new))
lasso.select(x, coefi)
#Using beta family
subdat <- d[y<1,]
suby <- subdat[,1]
subx <- subdat[,-1]
xname <- colnames(subx)
ind1 <- sapply(subx, is.factor)
ind1 <- which(ind1) #find the index of the factor variables
f11 <- as.formula(paste(" ~ ", paste(xname[-ind], collapse = "+")))
f21 <- as.formula(paste(" ~ ", paste(xname[ind], collapse = "+")))
formula1 <- y ~ la(f11) + la(f21) #form the formula with two kinds of variables
b1 <- bamlss(formula1, data = subdat, family = "beta", sampler = FALSE,
            optimizer = lasso, nlambda = 10, upper = 10e+8, lower = 10e+3,
            multiple = TRUE)
coefi1 <- lasso.coef(b1)
#Using beta family
lasso.select(subx, coefi1)

Lydia2kkx/frmselection documentation built on May 27, 2019, 2:05 p.m.