tableHTML: Create an easily css-ible HTML table

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tableHTMLR Documentation

Create an easily css-ible HTML table


The purpose of tableHTML is to create easily css-ible HTML tables that are compatible with R shiny. The exported HTML table will contain separate ids or classes for headers, columns, second headers (if any) and the table itself (in case you have multiple tables) in order to create a complex css file very easily. ids and classes are explained in detail in the details section.


  rownames = TRUE,
  class = paste0("table_", sample(1000:9999, 1)),
  widths = NULL,
  headers = NULL,
  second_headers = NULL,
  row_groups = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  footer = NULL,
  border = 1,
  collapse = c("collapse", "separate", "separate_shiny"),
  spacing = "2px",
  escape = TRUE,
  round = NULL,
  replace_NA = NULL,
  add_data = TRUE,
  theme = NULL

## S3 method for class 'tableHTML'
print(x, viewer = TRUE, ...)



Needs to be a data.frame or a matrix or an arbitrary object that has the data.frame class and can be coersible to a data.frame (e.g data.table, tbl, etc.)


Can be TRUE or FALSE. Defaults to TRUE. Whether the obj's rownames will be inlcuded.


Character string. Specifies the table's class. Convinient if you have multiple tables. Default is table_xxxx (random 4-digit number).


Needs to be a numeric atomic vector with the column widths. Widths are in pixels.


character vector. The headers for the HTML table. If not provided the original data.frame headers will be used.


A list of two elements of the same length. The first element will contain the column spans (i.e. a numeric atomic vector) whereas the second element will contain the names (i.e. a character atomic vector). See the examples for more info. Defauls to NULL.


A list of two elements of the same length. The first element will contain the row spans (i.e. a numeric atomic vector) whereas the second element will contain the names (i.e. a character atomic vector). See the examples for more info. Defauls to NULL.


Character string. The table's caption.


Character string. The table's footer. This gets added below the table and it should not be confused with tfooter.


An integer. Specifies the border of the table. Defaults to 1. 0 removes borders from the table. The higher the number the thicker the table's outside border.


Whether to collapse the table or not. By default the tables are collapsed. The choices for this argument are 'collapse', 'separate' and 'separate_shiny'. Check the details about which one to use.


Character string. This is only used if collapse is either separate or separate_shiny and sets the spacing between the table's cells. It defaults to 2px. Can be one or two length values (provided as a string). If two length values are provided the first one sets the horizontal spacing whereas the second sets the vertical spacing. See the examples.


Can be TRUE or FALSE. Defaults to TRUE. Escapes characters < and > because they can close (or open) the table's HTML tags if they exist within the data.frame's text. This means that all < and > characters within the tableHTML will be converted to &#60 and &#62 respectively.


An integer specifying the number of decimals of numbers of numeric columns only. Defaults to NULL which means no rounding.


A sting that specifies with what to replace NAs in character or factor columns only. Defaults to NULL which means NAs will be printed.


TRUE or FALSE. Defaults to TRUE. If set to true, the data.frame or matrix passed in obj will be added to the attributes. If set to FALSE, the object will be smaller, but add_css_conditional_column would not be applicable.


Argument is Deprecated. Please use the add_theme function instead.


A tableHTML object created from the tableHTML function.


TRUE or FALSE. Defaults to TRUE. Whether or not to render the HTML table. If you are working on Rstudio (interactively) the table will be printed or Rstudio's viewer. If you are working on Rgui (interactively) the table will be printed on your default browser. If you set this to FALSE the HTML code will be printed on screen.


Optional arguments to print.


tableHTML will create an HTML table with defined ids and classes for rows and columns. In particular:

  • Table: Will get the class from the class argument in the function.

  • Columns: Will get an id which will be of the form tableHTML_column_x (where x is the column position). If rownames exist these will get the tableHTML_rownames id. If row groups exist these will get the tableHTML_row_groups id. Check the add_css_column function for examples.

  • Headers: Will get an id of the form tableHTML_header_x (where x is the header position). For example the first header will have the id tableHTML_header_1, the second header will have tableHTLM_header_2 and so on. If rownames exist these will get the tableHTML_header_0 id.

  • Second_Header: Will get an id of the form tableHTML_second_header_x (where x is the second header position). For example the first second_header will have the id tableHTML_second_header_1, the second header will have tableHTML_second_header_2 and so on.

Notice that rows do not get a specific id or class.

If you would like to use a non-collapsed table i.e. leave spacing between cells, then you would need to use the collapse argument. Setting it to separate would create a non-collapsed table. However, this choice will not work in shiny. The reason is that shiny uses table {border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing:0;} in its css by default through bootstrap 3. In order to overcome this problem in shiny, collapse needs to be set to separate_shiny instead of separate. By setting collapse to separate_shiny tableHTML uses !important in order to overwrite the standard behaviour of bootstrap 3. !important needs to be used with caution since it overwrites css styles, so unless you are using shiny (or any other place where the above css is automatically loaded) you should be using collapse = 'separate'.

Printing the table will result in rendering it in R studio's viewer with the print.tableHTML method if using Rstudio otherwise it will use the default browser. Use print(tableHTML(obj), viewer = FALSE) or str(tableHTML(obj)) to view the actual html code.


A tableHTML object.


tableHTML(mtcars, rownames = FALSE)
tableHTML(mtcars, class = 'table1')
tableHTML(mtcars, second_headers = list(c(3, 4, 5), c('col1', 'col2', 'col3')))
          widths = c(rep(50, 6), rep(100, 6)),
          second_headers = list(c(3, 4, 5), c('col1', 'col2', 'col3')))
tableHTML(mtcars, caption = 'This is a caption', footer = 'This is a footer')
          row_groups = list(c(10, 10, 12), c('Group 1', 'Group 2', 'Group 3')),
          widths = c(200, rep(50, 5), rep(100, 6)),
          rownames = FALSE)
          rownames = FALSE,
          widths = c(140, rep(50, 11)),
          row_groups = list(c(10, 10, 12), c('Group 1', 'Group 2', 'Group 3')),
          second_headers = list(c(3, 4, 5), c('col1', 'col2', 'col3')))
tableHTML(mtcars, collapse = 'separate_shiny', spacing = '5px')
tableHTML(mtcars, collapse = 'separate', spacing = '5px 2px')

LyzandeR/tableHTML documentation built on April 17, 2023, 3:57 p.m.