print.cSEMPredict: 'cSEMPredict' method for 'print()'

View source: R/print.cSEMPredict.R

print.cSEMPredictR Documentation

cSEMPredict method for print()


The cSEMPredict method for the generic function print().


## S3 method for class 'cSEMPredict'
print(x, .metrics = c("MAE", "RMSE", "Q2"), ...)



Character string or a vector of character strings. Which prediction metrics should be displayed? One of: "MAE", "RMSE", "Q2", "MER", "MAPE, "MSE2", "U1", "U2", "UM", "UR", or "UD". Default to c("MAE", "RMSE", "Q2").

See Also

csem(), cSEMResults, predict()

M-E-Steiner/cSEM documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 5 a.m.