Man pages for MCKnaus/dmlmt
Double Machine Learning for Multiple Treatments

add_interceptAdds an intercept to a matrix
CV_coreThis function contains the core parts of the CV for Lasso and...
dmlmtDouble machine learning for binary and multiple treatments'
find_Xse_indFunction finds the position for pre-specified SE rules
fitted_valuesThis function extracts a subset of active variables (nm_act)...
gps_csThis function checks common support for a user provided...
gps_prepThis function prepares the (generalized) propensity scores...
norm_w_to_nFunction to normalize weights to N or to N in treated and...
OLS_pred_wThis function calculates the OLS weights for the fitted...
PO_dmlmtThis function calculates the potential outcomes for all...
PO_dmlmt_wThis function calculates the weights impled by Double Machine...
PO_dmlmt_w_genThis function calculates the weights impled by Double Machine...
post_lasso_cvThis function uses the 'glmnet' package to estimate the...
TE_dmlmtThis function calculates the average treatment effects for...
y_prepThis function prepares the fitted values of the outcome after...
MCKnaus/dmlmt documentation built on Dec. 4, 2020, 9:48 a.m.