Man pages for MI2DataLab/live
Local Interpretable (Model-Agnostic) Visual Explanations

add_predictionsAdd black box predictions to generated dataset
euclidean_kernelLIME kernel equal to the inverse of euclidean distance.
fit_explanationFit white box model to the simulated data.
gaussian_kernelLIME kernel from the original article with sigma = 1.
identity_kernelLIME kernel that treats all observations as equally similar...
livelive: visualizing interpretable models to explain black box...
live_shinyFunction that starts a Shiny app which helps use LIVE.
local_approximationFit local model around the observation: shortcut for DALEX...
local_permutation_importanceLocal permutation variable importance
plot.live_explainerPlotting white box models.
plot.local_permutation_importancePlot local permutation importance
print.live_explainerGeneric print function for live explainer
print.live_explorerGeneric print function for class live_explorer
print.local_permutation_importancePrint method for local_permutation_importance class
sample_locallyGenerate dataset for local exploration.
wineRed wine characteristics and quality.
MI2DataLab/live documentation built on Aug. 21, 2019, 6:05 p.m.