
# Documentation described below using an inline R code chunk, e.g.,
# "`r var_mcid`" or "`r var_institution`", are documented in the
# R/roxygen.R file.

#' Student-level course data
#' Student-level course information for approximately 98,000 undergraduates,
#' keyed by student ID. Data at the "student-level" refers to information
#' collected by undergraduate institutions about individual students, for
#' example, course name and number, credit hours, and student grades.
#' Course data are structured in block-record form, that is, records associated
#' with a particular ID can span multiple rows---one record per student per
#' course per term.
#' Terms are encoded `YYYYT`, where `YYYY` is the year at the start of the
#' academic year and `T` encodes the semester or quarter within an academic year
#' as Fall (`1`), Winter (`2`), Spring (`3`), and Summer (`4`, `5`, and `6`).
#' For example, for academic year 1995--96, Fall 95--96 is encoded `19951`,
#' Spring 95--96 is encoded `19953`, and the first Summer 95-96 term is encoded
#' `19954`. The source database includes special month-long sessions encoded
#' with letters `A`, `B`, `C`, etc., though none are included in this sample.
#' The possible values of the `grade` variable includes `NG` for "no grade 
#' given", which is not the same as `W` indicating a withdrawal. For example, 
#' a lab course may be a mandatory co-requisite for a lecture course, but a 
#' grade is given for the lecture course and the lab grade is recorded as `NG`. 
#' The data in `midfielddata` are a proportionate stratified sample of the
#' MIDFIELD database, but are not suitable for drawing inferences about program
#' attributes or student experiences---`midfielddata` provides practice data,
#' not research data.
#' @name course
#' @docType data
#' @family datasets
#' @keywords datasets
#' @source 2022 [MIDFIELD](https://midfield.online/) database
#' @seealso Package [`midfieldr`](https://midfieldr.github.io/midfieldr/)
#'   for tools and methods for working with MIDFIELD data in `R`.
#' @usage data(course)
#' @format A `data.frame` and `data.table` with 12 variables and approximately 
#'   3.3M observations of 97,555 unique students occupying 325 MB of memory:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{`mcid`}{`r var_mcid`}
#'   \item{`institution`}{`r var_institution`}
#'   \item{`term_course`}{`r var_term`}
#'   \item{`course`}{Character, course name, e.g., `Astrophysics III`, 
#'         `Calculus For Social Science And Business`, `Corp Financial Rprtng 1`, 
#'         `Environmental Sanitation II`, `Fitness and Wellness`, 
#'         `Introductory Astronomy 2`, `Our Changing Environment`, etc.}
#'   \item{`abbrev`}{Character, course alpha identifier, e.g. `AA`, `MATH`, 
#'         `ACCT`, `EH`, `HES`, `ASTR`, etc.}
#'   \item{`number`}{Character, course numeric identifier, e.g. `1104`, `1209`, 
#'         `228`, `4047`, etc.}
#'   \item{`section`}{Character, course section identifier, from one to four 
#'          characters, e.g., `1`, `2`, `01`, `14`, `001`, `040`, `785`, 
#'         `H02`, `R01`, `300E`, `888R`, etc.}
#'   \item{`type`}{Character, predominant delivery method for this section, e.g.,
#'         `Blended`, `Distance Education`, `Face-to-Face`, `Online`, etc.}
#'   \item{`faculty_rank`}{Character, academic rank of the person teaching the
#'          course, e.g., `Assistant Professor`, `Associate Professor`, 
#'         `Graduate Assistant`, `Visiting Faculty`, etc.}
#'   \item{`hours_course`}{Numeric, number of credit-hours for successful course
#'          completion.}
#'   \item{`grade`}{Character, course grade, e.g., `A+`, `A`, `A-`, `B+`, 
#'         `I`, `NG`, etc.}
#'   \item{`discipline_midfield`}{Character, a variable for grouping courses by
#'          academic discipline assigned by the MIDFIELD data curator, e.g., 
#'         `Anthropology`, `Business`, `Computer Science`, 
#'         `Engineering`, `Language and Literature`, `Mathematics`, 
#'         `Visual and Performing Arts`, etc.}
#'   }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load data
#' data(course)
#' # Select specific rows and columns
#' rows_we_want <- course$mcid == MCID3112192438
#' cols_we_want <- c(mcid, term_course, course, grade)
#' # View observations for this ID 
#' course[rows_we_want, cols_we_want]
#' }
MIDFIELDR/midfielddata documentation built on May 18, 2024, 9:48 p.m.