
# Documentation described below using an inline R code chunk, e.g.,
# "`r var_mcid`" or "`r var_institution`", are documented in the
# R/roxygen.R file.

#' Student-level demographic data
#' Student-level demographic information for approximately 98,000 degree-seeking
#' undergraduate students, keyed by student ID. Data at the "student-level"
#' refers to information collected by undergraduate institutions about
#' individual students, for example, age, sex, and race/ethnicity at
#' matriculation.
#' Student data are structured in row-record form, that is, information
#' associated with a particular ID occupies a single row---one record per
#' student.
#' The data in `midfielddata` are a proportionate stratified sample of the
#' MIDFIELD database, but are not suitable for drawing inferences about program
#' attributes or student experiences---`midfielddata` provides practice data,
#' not research data.
#' @name student
#' @docType data
#' @family datasets
#' @keywords datasets
#' @source 2022 [MIDFIELD](https://midfield.online/) database
#' @seealso Package [`midfieldr`](https://midfieldr.github.io/midfieldr/) for
#'   tools and methods for working with MIDFIELD data in `R`.
#' @usage data(student)
#' @format A `data.frame` and `data.table` with 13 variables and 97,555
#'   observations of unique students occupying 18 MB of memory:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{`mcid`}{`r var_mcid`}
#'   \item{`institution`}{`r var_institution`}
#'   \item{`transfer`}{Character, transfer status, possible values are
#'         `First-Time in College`, `First-Time Transfer`.}
#'   \item{`hours_transfer`}{Numeric, number of credit hours transferred (or
#'         `NA`).}
#'   \item{`race`}{Character, race/ethnicity as self-reported by the student, 
#'          e.g., Asian, Black, Latine, etc.}
#'   \item{`sex`}{Character, sex as self-reported by the student, possible 
#'          values are Female, Male, and Unknown.}
#'   \item{`age_desc`}{Character, age group, possible values are `25 and Older`,
#'         `Under 25`.}
#'   \item{`us_citizen`}{Character, US citizenship, possible values are `No`,
#'         `Yes`.}
#'   \item{`home_zip`}{Character, home ZIP code (or `NA`), e.g., `02056`,
#'         `20170`, `51301`, `80129`, etc.}
#'   \item{`high_school`}{Character, code for the last high school attended before
#'          admission (or `NA`), e.g., `060075`, `210512`, `431800`, `502195`,
#'          etc.}
#'   \item{`sat_math`}{Numeric, SAT mathematics test score (or `NA`).}
#'   \item{`sat_verbal`}{Numeric, SAT reading test score (or `NA`).}
#'   \item{`act_comp`}{Numeric, ACT composite test score (or `NA`).}
#'   }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load data
#' data(student)
#' # Select specific rows and columns
#' rows_we_want <- student$mcid == MCID3112192438
#' cols_we_want <- c(mcid, institution, transfer, race, sex, age_desc)
#' # View observations for this ID 
#' student[rows_we_want, cols_we_want]
#' }
MIDFIELDR/midfielddata documentation built on May 18, 2024, 9:48 p.m.