Fatal Accident Data Processor

Package Description

This is a simple package composed of five functions that work specifically with Fatality Analysis Reporting System.. You load, summarize and map data for fatel accidents in the US for years 2013-2015.

Function Instructions for Package

library(fars3) library(dplyr) library(maps)


This is a function that takes a year parameter and creates a filename for Fatality Analysis Reporting System data.


filename <- make_filename(2013)


This function returns a tibble dataframe from a CSV file. If the file path is wrong or the file does not exist then an error message will return. It takes one argument: 'filename'.


filename <- make_filename(2013)

fars2013 <- fars_read(filename)


This function returns a list of tibble dataframes containing the month and year varibles from the accident files from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System. The dataframes are compliled based on the years specified in a vector from the 'years' parameter. If only one year is provided that a simple tibble dataframe is returned.


years <- c(2013, 2014)

fars1314 <- fars_read_years(years)


This function returns a dataframe that summarizes the three dataframe objects from the list created by the 'fars_read_years' function. The dataframe contains four columns and twelve rows. The 'MONTH' column has the month number and the three year columns contain the number of fatalities in the corresponding month.


years <- c(2013, 2014, 2015)

fars1315 <- fars_summarize_years(years)


This function returns a map showing the location of accidents in a single state from a single year based on data from the the Fatality Analysis Reporting System.

fars_map <- fars_map_state(10, 2013)

MPC24/fars3 documentation built on May 28, 2019, 1:45 p.m.