Man pages for MRCIEU/EbiDataImport
Import EBI Data to OpenGWAS

create_build_referenceCreate dataset of some hm3 SNPs and their build positions
create_martsCreate marts for b36-38
DatasetObject that downloads, develops and uploads GWAS summary...
determine_buildDetermine build based on reference dataset
determine_build_biomartDetermines which build a set of SNPs are on
determine_build_positionDetermine build just from positions
EbiDatasetObject that downloads, develops and uploads EBI dataset
get_ftp_pathGet harmonised file for specific EBI ID
get_positionsLookup positions for given rsids in particular build
liftover_gwasLiftover GWAS positions
pipePipe operator
MRCIEU/EbiDataImport documentation built on May 9, 2023, 6 a.m.