Man pages for MUCollective/multidy
Multiverse: Create 'multiverse analysis' in R

accessorsAccessing contents of the multiverse object
branchDefine multiple analysis paths for a step in the multiverse
conditionalsDefine constraints for combinations of analysis paths in the...
duranteSurvey to study the effect of fertility on religiosity and...
executeExecute parts of, or the entire multiverse
extract_variablesExtract variables and objects from the multiverse
get_codeCode corresponding to a single analysis
hurricaneSurvey to study the effect of fertility on religiosity and...
insidePass code into the multiverse
mulitiverse_code_blockCreate custom code blocks for multiverse analysis
multiverseCreate a new multiverse object
multiverse-package'Explorable Multiverse' Data Analysis and Reports in R
parse_multiverseParse the multiverse syntax to identify branches
printAccessing contents of the multiverse object
stylise_codeStylises the code of multiverse for printing
vis_correlationParticipants responses in the study by Harrison et al.,...
MUCollective/multidy documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 9:52 a.m.