
#' @title    Examp2.5.4.1 from Duchateau, L. and Janssen, P. and Rowlands, G. J. (1998).\emph{Linear Mixed Models. An Introduction with applications in Veterinary Research}. International Livestock Research Institute.
#' @name     Examp2.5.4.1
#' @docType  data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @description Examp2.5.4.1 is used for inspecting probability distribution and to define a plausible process through
#' linear models and generalized linear models.
#' @author \enumerate{
#'          \item  Muhammad Yaseen (\email{myaseen208@@gmail.com})
#'          }
#' @references \enumerate{
#' \item Duchateau, L. and Janssen, P. and Rowlands, G. J. (1998).\emph{Linear Mixed Models. An Introduction with applications in Veterinary Research}.
#'              International Livestock Research Institute.
#'  }
#' @seealso
#'    \code{\link{ex124}}
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
#' @importFrom lme4 lmer
#' @importFrom multcomp glht
#' @examples
#' #-------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## Example p-74
#' #-------------------------------------------------------------
#'  # PROC MIXED DATA=ex125;
#'  # CLASS drug dose region;
#'  # MODEL pcv=drug dose drug*dose / ddfm=satterth;
#'  # RANDOM region drug*region;
#'  # ESTIMATE 'Samorin mean' INTERCEPT 1 drug 0 1 dose 0.5 0.5
#'  #                             drug*dose 0 0 0.5 0.5;
#'  # RUN;
#'  # PROC GLM DATA=ex125;
#'  # CLASS drug dose region;
#'  # MODEL pcv=region drug region*drug dose drug*dose;
#'  # ESTIMATE 'Samorin mean' INTERCEPT 1 drug 0 1 dose 0.5 0.5
#'  #                             drug*dose 0 0 0.5 0.5;
#'  # RUN;
#'  library(lme4)
#'  str(ex125)
#'  ex125$Region1 <- factor(ex125$Region)
#'   fm2.13 <- 
#'   lmerTest::lmer(
#'          formula    = Pcv ~ dose*Drug + (1|Region/Drug)
#'        , data       = ex125
#'        , REML       = TRUE
#'        , control    = lmerControl()
#'        , start      = NULL
#'        , verbose    = 0L
#'     #  , subset
#'     #  , weights
#'     #  , na.action
#'     #  , offset
#'        , contrasts  = list(dose = "contr.SAS", Drug = "contr.SAS")
#'        , devFunOnly = FALSE
#'     #  , ...
#'        )                       
#'   summary(fm2.13)
#'  library(multcomp)
#'  Contrasts2 <-
#'            matrix(c(
#'                    1, 0.5, 0, 0
#'                  )
#'                 , ncol = 4
#'                 , byrow = TRUE
#'                 , dimnames = list(
#'                    c("C5")
#'                  , rownames(summary(fm2.13)$coef)
#'                 )
#'                )
#'  Contrasts2
#'  summary(glht(fm2.13, linfct=Contrasts2))
MYaseen208/VetResearchLMM documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:36 p.m.