
Defines functions get_geology

Documented in get_geology

#' Get the geology of South Tyrol for an object of class sf
#' @importFrom sf st_crs st_transform st_intersects
#' @export

get_geology = function(sf.object = NULL,
                       geo_path = "/mnt/CEPH_PROJECTS/Proslide/Envir_data/Geology/reclass_geo.gpkg"){

  if(is.null(sf.object) | !inherits(sf.object, "sf")){
    stop("Provide an sf object...")


  # read geology
  geo = read_sf(geo_path)

  # check crs
  crs_inp = st_crs(sf.object)
  crs_geo = st_crs(geo)

  if (!crs_inp == crs_geo) {

    warning("Reprojecting the geology to the crs of the input sf object")
    geo = st_transform(geo, crs = crs_inp)


  inter = as.numeric(st_intersects(sf.object, geo))
  geo_class = geo$class_name[inter]


MaThRk/help documentation built on Dec. 17, 2021, 2:14 a.m.