Man pages for MaaniBeigy/DescObs
Versatile Exploration of Data

BootCoefQuartVarR6 Bootstrap Resampling for Coefficient of Quartile Variation
BootCoefVarR6 Bootstrap Resampling for Coefficient of Variation
CoefQuartVarR6 Coefficient of Quartile Variation (cqv)
CoefQuartVarCIR6 Confidence Intervals for the Coefficient of Quartile...
CoefVarR6 Coefficient of Variation (cv)
CoefVarCIR6 Confidence Intervals for the Coefficient of Variation (cv)
cqv_versatileCoefficient of Quartile Variation (cqv)
cv_versatileCoefficient of Variation (cv)
QuantileRescaleR6 Quantile Rescale
rm_versatileVersatile Function for Removing Objects
SampleQuantilesR6 Sample Quantiles
shortest_lengthshortest-length confidence interval for cv
xThe input numeric vector x example
MaaniBeigy/DescObs documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:37 a.m.