Man pages for MaciejDanko/hopit
Hierarchical Ordered Probit Models with Application to Reporting Heterogeneity

AIC.hopitExtracting the Akaike Information Criterion from the fitted...
anova.hopitLikelihood Ratio Test Tables
boot_hopitBootstrapping hopit model
coef.hopitExtracting the model coefficients
getCutPointsCalculate the threshold cut-points and individual adjusted...
get.hopit.startINTERNAL: Get the starting parameters
getLevelsSummarize the adjusted and the original self-rated response...
healthsurveyArtificially generated health survey data
hopitGeneralized hierarchical ordered threshold models.
hopit.controlAuxiliary for controlling the fitting of a 'hopit' model
hopit_derivLLINTERNAL: The gradient of the log likelihood function
hopit_fitterINTERNAL: Fit a 'hopit' model given the starting parameters
hopit_LatentINTERNAL: Calculate the predicted continuous latent measure...
hopit_negLLINTERNAL: The log likelihood function
hopit_ThresholdINTERNAL: Calculate the model cut-points (alpha)
latentIndexCalculate the latent index
logLik.hopitExtracting a log likelihood of the fitted model
lrt.hopitLikelihood ratio test for a pair of models
percentile_CICalculating the confidence intervals of the bootstrapped...
plot.hopitCPPlotting Cut-Points
plot.hopitDWPlotting standardized coefficients
plot.hopitHIPlotting Latent Index
plot.hopitLVPlotting getLevels object
plot.profile.hopitPlot the log likelihood profile for a profile.hopit object
print.hopitPrinting basic information about fitted 'hopit' model
print.lrt.hopitPrinting an object calculated by 'lrt.hopit'
print.profile.hopitPrint method for a profile.hopit object
profile.hopitCalculate the log likelihood profile for the fitted 'hopit'...
sigma.hopitExtract the 'Sigma' parameter from a 'hopit' model
standardizeCoefStandardization of the coefficients
summary.hopitCalculate the model summary
svy.varcoef_hopitCalculation of the variance-covariance matrix for a specified...
vcov.hopitVariance-covariance matrix from the fitted model
MaciejDanko/hopit documentation built on Oct. 4, 2022, 7:59 p.m.