Man pages for MalditoBarbudo/IFNappkg
Shiny modules and helpers for IFNapp

data_scenarioGet a list woth sig, clima and core data
get_scenarioGet the current data scenario
ifn_appfunction to launch the ifn app
infopanel_climaplot_gengenerate the plot for the info panel, in climatic mode
infopanel_plot_gengenreate the plot for the info panel
label_getterlabel getter
map_modificatormodifcate the map based on vis inputs
mod_advancedFiltersUImod_advancedFiltersUI and mod_advancedFilters
mod_buttonsInputmod_buttonsInput and mod_buttons
mod_dataInputmod_dataInput and mod_data
mod_infoPanelOutputmod_infopanel server function
mod_infopanelUImod_infopanelUI and mod_infopanel
mod_mapUImod_mapUI and mod_map
mod_tableOutputmod_tableOutput and mod_table
mod_vizInputmod_vizInput and mod_viz
mod_vizUImod_viz server function
navbarPageWithInputsnav bar with inputs
table_data_modificatormodifcate the table based on data inputs
MalditoBarbudo/IFNappkg documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:52 p.m.