  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = params$wd)

Load data and build medfate objects

MedfateValidation package provides methods to load the sites data and build the needed medfate objects:

Load data

These functions try to load the corresponding data from the specified site, indicated by the site code as character (i.e. 'PRADES'). If the specified data does not exist (some data are optional) the function will return NULL, as expected by the build functions.

This function allows for load the rdatas containing all the objects produced along the validation process for all sites. It returns a list of environments with the objects, that can be accessed as nested lists:

objects_reports <- load_rdatas(type = 'Definitive')

type argument indicates which reports to read the data from, "Global" for the global validation, "Temperature" for the temperature validation and "Definitive" for the five definitive sites.

All the load functions are expected to work with the Validation folder as the root directory. In the case of load_rdatas fuction, it also looks for the rdata files generated with the installed version of medfate (see packageVersion('medfate') to know which ones is going to be loaded)

Build objects

These functions allows to build the forest and soil objects from medfate package starting on the site data. treeData, miscData and soilData are the only mandatory arguments, as the remaining can be NULL if they are not available (see sites_data_structure vignette for more info about the site data objects).


If we want to work with the PRADES site, we can load the data and build the objects to see a summary of them:

# load the packages

# site/plot code
code <- 'PRADES'

# params

# raw data
treeData <- load_treeData(code)
shrubData <- load_shrubData(code)
seedData <- load_seedData(code)
customParams <- load_customParams(code)
measuredData <- load_measuredData(code)
meteoData <- load_meteoData(code)
miscData <- load_miscData(code)
soilData <- load_soilData(code)
terrainData <- load_terrainData(code)
remarks <- load_remarks(code)

# model objects
forest_object <- buildForest(treeData, shrubData, seedData, miscData)
soil_object <- buildSoil(soilData)

summary(forest_object, newParams)

And, in the case of being interested to dive deep in the report for PRADES site we can load the rdatas and inspect PRADES site:

objects_reports <- load_rdatas('Global')

PRADES <- objects_reports$`PRADES`
plot(PRADES$res_complex, 'LAI')

# lets remove the objects_reports to avoid conflicts with the following code in
# this vignette


MedfateValidation provides a new table of parameters (newParams) equivalent to the SpParamsMED provided by medfate. In this case, parameters are obtained from SpParamsMED and modificated by those appearing in the HydraTRY project (courtesy of T. Rosas, M. Mencuccini and JM Vilalta) and the Quercus monography chapter by EMS Robert, JM Vilalta and M. Mencuccini. The inclusion here of this table, not open to everyone as the one in medfate is due to the not yet clarified terms of use of TRY derivative works. For more info about the process of building the newParams table, see the Parametrization vignette.

data('newParams', package = 'MedfateValidation')

Modification of parameters "on the fly"

Along the validation process sometimes is necessary to modify some of the parameters present in newParams, but only for that site in that run. Site data has a table named customParams with the values to modify (see sites_data_structure vignette). MedfateValidation provides a method to modify newParams based on customParams called SpParams_mod:

# lets modify customParams, as in this site there is no modifications
customParams$xylem_kmax <- c(0.5, 0.8)

# look at the original values of newParams for xylem_kmax
newParams[newParams$Name %in% c('Pinus sylvestris', 'Quercus ilex'), 'xylem_kmax']

# modify the params
sp_params <- SpParams_mod(newParams, customParams)

# check if params have been correctly modified
sp_params[sp_params$Name %in% c('Pinus sylvestris', 'Quercus ilex'), 'xylem_kmax']

Modification of swb.input object "on the fly"

customParams can also contain swb.input parameters to be modified (i.e. if the plot has the LAI measured for the cohorts). Instead of using these parameters calculated by the model, we can modify the swb.input by means of the inputMod function. At the moment, only parameters of the sections above and canopy from the input can be modified:

# lets add some modifications to customParams
customParams$LAI_live <- c(1.1, 2.70)

# create the input object from medfate
control_obj <- medfate::defaultControl()
control_obj$verbose <- FALSE
control_obj$transpirationMode <- 'Simple'
# input object
simple_input <- medfate::forest2swbInput(forest_object, soil_object,
                                         sp_params, control_obj)

# check the input values for above

# and we can now modify it
simple_input <- inputMod(simple_input, customParams)

# check if the modification has been done correctly

# lets modify also the "canopy" slot from input object
customParams$gdd <- 250


simple_input <- inputMod(simple_input, customParams)


Saving the results of modelling

medfate stores the result of the model run in a swb class object which can be used to plot the model results or to get the different data ouputs (soil water balance, energy balance...):

# run the simple model with the soil and meteo generated previously and a new
# input (as the gdd value is incorrect now)
control_obj <- medfate::defaultControl()
control_obj$verbose <- FALSE
control_obj$transpirationMode <- 'Simple'
# input object
simple_input <- medfate::forest2swbInput(forest_object, soil_object,
                                         sp_params, control_obj)
simple_input <- inputMod(simple_input, customParams)

res <- swb(simple_input, soil_object, meteoData)

# take a look to the class of the res object

# lets see the soil water balance for example

# now some plots (SWC, Transpiration)
plot(res, 'Theta')
plot(res, 'ET')

To be able to perform the validation of the model, the results must be compared with the "real" data (measuredData). To make that easier, MedfateValidation provides a function, saveRes, with two main tasks:

  1. Combine the complex and simple main data outputs in one single object, a list containing two data.frames, one for each model.

  2. Write on disk those data.frames as well as the parameter table used in the models, for reproducibility purposes.

saveRes function allows to save only one model, with the other setted to NULL, which is the expected for the statistics functions that will be explained later:

e_meas <- measuredData %>%
  dplyr::summarize_all(funs(all( %>%

e_measured_coh <- names(measuredData)[!e_meas]

models_dfs <- saveRes(simple_res = res, complex_res = NULL,
                      measured_vars = e_measured_coh, spParams = sp_params,
                      site_code = 'PRADES', write = FALSE)



write = FALSE argument indicates if the results must be written to disk, useful when debugging some site and there is no necessity of files to be written.

Plant total transpiration in saveRes

Despite the model calculates the total transpiration for all cohorts, in the comparision report it is necessary to compare the measured total transpiration (the sum of the measured cohorts) with the total modelled only for measured cohorts. In this way, saveRes function generates a Eplanttot variable with only the measured cohorts, using the measured_vars argument. It must be a character vector with the transpiration variables measured.

This will impact the plot and statistics functions, as they report only for measured cohorts, not model output and results, as they have the total transpiration for all cohorts modelled.

Statistics functions

Validation, in a nutshell, consists in comparing the model results with the field measures in order to detect model logic and parametrization problems. For that, some statistics need to be generated to be able to compare objectively the model output.
MedfateValidation calculates three different kinds of statistics, Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Bias and Correlation (r²). Those are performed with three simple functions:

MAE_calculator(measuredData$SWC, models_dfs$simple$W.1)
bias_calculator(measuredData$SWC, models_dfs$simple$W.1)
r_squared_calculator(measuredData$SWC, models_dfs$simple$W.1)

These are the "basic units" to build the statistics_summary function. This function performs the three statistics for a given variable (SWC, Total/By cohort transpiration and Temperature) comparing model output with measured values and also comparing both models, one to each other, to see differences in performance.
To see statistics_summary function working at full, lets go to generate first the results of the complex model:

control_obj <- medfate::defaultControl()
control_obj$verbose <- FALSE
control_obj$transpirationMode <- 'Complex'

# input object
soil_object <- buildSoil(soilData)
complex_input <- medfate::forest2swbInput(forest_object, soil_object,
                                          sp_params, control_obj)

# input modifications (if any)
complex_input <- inputMod(complex_input, customParams)

# model run
res_complex <- medfate::swb(complex_input, soil_object, meteoData,
                            terrainData$latitude, terrainData$elevation,
                            terrainData$slope, terrainData$aspect)

models_dfs <- saveRes(res, res_complex, e_measured_coh,
                      sp_params, 'PRADES', write = FALSE)

Now models_dfs has results of both models stored and statistics_summary can work with both:

SWC_stats <- statistics_summary(var = 'SWC', models = models_dfs,
                                measured_data = measuredData, soil = soil_object,
                                meteo_data = NULL, trunc = NULL)


In this case the statistics for soil water content are showed. The var argument tells the function which stastistics must be performed. The values allowed are:

Eplanttot_stats <- statistics_summary('Eplanttot', models_dfs, measuredData,


Ecohorts_stats <- statistics_summary('E_by_Cohort', models_dfs, measuredData,

  round(Ecohorts_stats[["Esp_MAE_simple"]], 5),
  round(Ecohorts_stats[["Esp_r_sq_simple"]], 5),
  round(Ecohorts_stats[["Esp_bias_simple"]], 5),
  round(Ecohorts_stats[["Esp_MAE_complex"]], 5),
  round(Ecohorts_stats[["Esp_r_sq_complex"]], 5),
  round(Ecohorts_stats[["Esp_bias_complex"]], 5),
  round(Ecohorts_stats[["Esp_MAE_both"]], 5),
  round(Ecohorts_stats[["Esp_r_sq_both"]], 5),
  round(Ecohorts_stats[["Esp_bias_both"]], 5)
) %>%
    c('MAE Simple vs. Measured',
      'rsq Simple vs. Measured',
      'Bias Simple vs. Measured',
      'MAE Complex vs. Measured',  
      'rsq Complex vs. Measured',  
      'Bias Complex vs. Measured',
      'MAE Simple vs. Complex',
      'rsq Simple vs. Complex',
      'Bias Simple vs. Complex'),
  ) %>% %>%
  knitr::kable(col.names = c('Statistics', Ecohorts_stats[['Cohort_name']]))

Temperature stats must be done in other set of sites (Albert Vila plots) as they are the only ones with measured canopy temperature


medfate provides custom plot methods for visualize the results of the model, but for the validation process we need new functions that generates the plots comparing the measured data and the modelled data. MedfateValidation provides several functions that are in charge of this visualization task, for each combination of model type and variable:

These functions are intended to being used inside of the wrapper function plot_res_gg, which is feeded with the variable and models to plot and generate the visualization:

plot_res_gg(variable = 'SWC', models = models_dfs, soil = soil_object,
            measured_data = measuredData, mode = 'both')

variable argument values are the same as in statistics_summary function (except for the 'Temperature' as it has its own method), and the mode argument expects one of the following:

plot_res_gg(variable = 'Eplanttot', models = models_dfs, soil = soil_object,
            measured_data = measuredData, mode = 'both')

When plotting cohort transpiration, the function returns a list of plots, therefore the use of purrr::walk to plotting all in one

plots_cohorts <- plot_res_gg('E_by_Cohort', models_dfs, soil_object,
                             measuredData, 'both')

  ~ print(.x)

SWC by layers

medfate can plot the SWC by layer with its custom plot method, but MedfateValidation also have a method to perform this, generating both models plot side by side to easy comparision with the function plot_swc_layers_gg:



Validation process is done by means of html reports generated with Rmarkdown. This allows for running the code only once, generating the output needed to visualize the validation site by site, but also allowing for debugging sites simply using the code contained in the Rmd templates and the RData file generated with all the objects created in the report. These templates are located in the folder where the package is installed (MedfateValidation/inst/Rmd_templates). To generate the reports, MedfateValidation provides some wrappers and a internal function. The wrappers are:

Each of this wrappers generate a different kind of report. Global processes generates the global validation process (SWC and Transpiration), with or without the kmax fixed factor to reduce the transpiration. Transpiration process generates the report for transpiration taking the real SWC from the measuredData as well as using a simpler soil conception (only one layer). And, finally, temperature process runs the report to validate the canopy temperatures.
All these wrappers share the same arguments:

All the functions call internally the report_render function, a customization of rmarkdown::render.

MalditoBarbudo/MedfateValidation documentation built on May 7, 2019, 1:22 p.m.