
#' Modification of SpParams
#' This function modifies the SpParams table with the values supplied in the
#' customParams.txt file
#' @family CustomMods
#' @param SpParams Data frame with the species parameters, usually obtained
#'   from the \code{\link{medfate}} package (\code{data('SpParamsMED')})
#' @param customParams Data frame with the custom parameters info, usually
#'   the result of \code{\link{load_customParams}}
#' @export

SpParams_mod <- function(SpParams, customParams) {

  # check if customParams exists, if not return SpParams without modification
  if (is.null(customParams)) {

  # get the names of the custom params and the SpParams
  custom <- names(customParams)[-1]
  sp_par <- names(SpParams)

  # iterate between the custom params exisiting in SpParams
  for (param in custom) {

    # check if the param exists in SpParams
    if (param %in% sp_par) {

      # iterate by species, in case same variable has different values by sp
      for (sp in customParams[['SpIndex']]) {

        # subsitute it!
        SpParams[which(SpParams[['SpIndex']] == sp), param] <- customParams[which(customParams[['SpIndex']] == sp), param][1]

  # return the new SpParams

#' Modification of swb input object
#' This function looks for and modifies input parameters with the values
#' supplied in the customParams.txt file
#' @family CustomMods
#' @param swbInput An object of class \code{swbInput} as obtained from
#'   \code{\link{forest2swbInput}} or \code{\link{swbInput}} functions from
#'   \code{medfate} package
#' @param customParams Data frame with the custom parameters info, usually
#'   the result of \code{\link{load_customParams}}
#' @export

inputMod <- function(swbInput, customParams) {

  # check if customParams exists, if not return swbInput without modification
  if (is.null(customParams)) {

  # get the names of the custom params and the input tables
  custom <- names(customParams)
  above_par <- names(swbInput[['above']])
  canopy_par <- names(swbInput[['canopy']])
  # below_par <- names(swbInput$below)

  # iterate between the custom params
  for (param in custom) {
    # check if the param exists in above
    if (param %in% above_par) {
      # subsitute it! but by sp code, as the order is important

      for (sp in customParams[['Spcode']]) {
        swbInput[['above']][[sp, param]] <- customParams[customParams[['Spcode']] == sp, param]

      # for (sp in swbInput[['cohorts']][['SP']]) {
      #   sp_code <- rownames(swbInput[["cohorts"]][swbInput[["cohorts"]][['SP']] == sp, ])
      #   swbInput[["above"]][sp_code, param] <- customParams[customParams[['SpIndex']] == sp, param]
      # }

    # check if param exists in canopy
    if (param %in% canopy_par) {
      swbInput[['canopy']][[param]] <- customParams[[param]][1]

    # check if the param exists in below
    # if (param %in% below_par) {
    #   # subsitute it!
    #   swbInput$below[[param]] <- customParams[[param]]
    # }

  # return the new input
MalditoBarbudo/MedfateValidation documentation built on May 7, 2019, 1:22 p.m.