
#' Creating a connection to the IFN SQL database
#' Wrapper of \code{\link{dbPool}} to connect to the IFN database
#' By default (no arguments supplied) it allows to access as a guest to the
#' database
#' @param user character
#' @param password character
#' @param dbname character
#' @param idleTimeout numeric
#' @export
ifn_connect <- function(
  user = 'guest',
  password = 'guest',
  dbname = 'ifndb',
  idleTimeout = 3600000
) {
  db_conn <- pool::dbPool(
    drv = RPostgreSQL::PostgreSQL(),
    user = user,
    password = password,
    dbname = dbname,
    idleTimeout = idleTimeout


#' SIG data getter
#' Function to load the SIG data
#' This function does NOT collect the data from the db, only performs the steps
#' necessary to retrieve and filter the data if necessary from the db. The
#' collect step must be performed with the result of the function
#' @param ifn character indicating the IFN version to load
#' @param db database connection
#' @param ... filter arguments to the dplyr::filter step
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
data_sig <- function(ifn, db = ifn_connect(), ...) {

  # dots
  dots <- rlang::quos(..., .ignore_empty = 'all')

  # sig name
  name_sig <- glue::glue('{ifn}_sig')

  # sig data
  res <- dplyr::tbl(db, name_sig) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!! dots)



#' Climatic data
#' Function to load the climatic data, from the db tables
#' This function loads the climatic data for those plots selected in data_sig
#' @param data_sig tbl connection, generally the result of data_sig function
#' @param ifn character indicating the IFN version to load
#' @param db database connection
#' @param ... filter arguments to the dplyr::filter step
#' @export
data_clima <- function(data_sig, ifn, db = ifn_connect(), ...) {

  # dots
  dots <- rlang::quos(..., .ignore_empty = 'all')

  # name
  clima_name <- glue::glue('{ifn}_clima')

  # res
  res <- data_sig %>%
    dplyr::select(idparcela) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(dplyr::tbl(db, clima_name), by = 'idparcela') %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!! dots)


#' Core data
#' Function to load the "core" data, data from db tables
#' This function takes the result of data_sig to retrieve the core data at the
#' breakdown level for the plots selected
#' @param data_sig tbl connection, generally the result of data_sig function
#' @param ifn character indicating the IFN version to load
#' @param func_group character indicating the breakdown level (parcela, especie,
#'   especiesimpl, genere, planifconif, caducesclerconif)
#' @param db db connection
#' @param clima_plots plots resulting from the filtered clima data
#' @param diameter_classes logical indicating if breakdown the results by
#'   diameter classes
#' @export
data_core <- function(
  ifn = 'ifn2',
  func_group = 'parcela',
  db = ifn_connect(),
  diameter_classes = FALSE
) {

  # diameter
  if (isTRUE(diameter_classes)) {
    cd <- 'cd_'
  } else {
    cd <- ''

  # table name
  core_name <- glue::glue('{ifn}_{func_group}_{cd}res')

  # res table, no collect
  res <- data_sig %>%
      idparcela, provincia, delegacio, vegueria, comarca, municipi, comunidad
    ) %>%
    dplyr::filter(idparcela %in% clima_plots) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(dplyr::tbl(db, core_name), by = 'idparcela')


#' Summarise the polygons
#' Function to summarise variable values for each selected polygon
#' This function takes the core data for the plots and calculate the summaries
#' based on the polygon kind selected. It also can be filtered before summarising
#' in the case of dominant functional groups
#' @param data_core tbl con, usually obtained from data_core() function
#' @param ... filter arguments
#' @param polygon_group character indicating the polygon group to summarise
#' @param func_group character indicating the functional group to also summarise,
#'   if any.
#' @param cd logical indicating if diameter classes must be considered
#' @param .funs funs (dplyr) object with the functions to summarise
#' @export
summarise_polygons <- function(
  func_group = '',
  cd = FALSE,
  .funs = dplyr::funs(
    mean = mean(., na.rm = TRUE),
    sd = stats::sd(., na.rm = TRUE),
    min = min(., na.rm = TRUE),
    max = max(., na.rm = TRUE),
    median = stats::median(., na.rm = TRUE),
    q95 = stats::quantile(., probs = 0.95, na.rm = TRUE),
    n = dplyr::n()
) {

  # dots
  dots <- rlang::dots_list(..., .ignore_empty = 'all')

  # group_by vars
  if (isTRUE(cd)) {
    grouping_vars <- dplyr::quos(
      !!dplyr::sym(polygon_group), !!dplyr::sym(func_group),
  } else {
    grouping_vars <- dplyr::quos(
      !!dplyr::sym(polygon_group), !!dplyr::sym(func_group)

  grouping_vars <- grouping_vars[!vapply(
    grouping_vars, rlang::quo_is_missing, logical(1)

  # res
  res <- data_core %>%
    dplyr::group_by(!!! grouping_vars) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!! dots) %>%
    dplyr::collect() %>%
    dplyr::summarise_if(is.numeric, .funs = .funs)


MalditoBarbudo/tidyIFN documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:05 a.m.