Man pages for MaliniChatterjee/bms3
Business Marketing Subscription Model Builder Dated: 5/29/2018

fit_glm_modelGLM Model build
fit_rf_modelRandom Forest Model generation
fit_rf_model1Random Forest Model generation This will generate the random...
fit_tree_modelDecision Tree Model build and plot the decision tree-saved in...
load_packagesA Load Package libraries
MasterA BMS Subscription Model generation It calls different...
perf_glm_modelPerformance of GLM models on test data
perf_rf_modelPerformance of RF models on test data This is used to also...
perf_tree_modelPerformance of Decision Tree Model on test data This is used...
plot_edaPlot EDA This creates all the plots and saves them under...
plot_rocPlot ROC This creates the ROC Plot for model comparison....
savePlotSave Plot This function saves all plots in the path/PlotName...
test_rf_modelTest of RF models on sample data set
train_testData Preparation Step Reads the source data file, does the...
MaliniChatterjee/bms3 documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:01 p.m.