Man pages for MangoTheCat/autoPricing
This package is for carrying out automated glm pricing analysis for frequency and severity models

addVariableFunction to create a formula which adds a variable to an...
.addVariableFunction to create a formula which adds a variable to an...
.consistCorrectionThis function rebalances a raw variable that is significant...
.forwardBackSigMaster function to find out if the variable is significant...
forwardBackStepAICFunction for forward and backward model selection algorithm...
getCoeffsFunction for formatting coefficients...
.getCoeffsFunction for formatting coefficients...
.getVarSignificanceFunction to get the significance or not of a variable when...
.modelFamilySpecFunction to specify the model family/link...
.plotRatingFactorThis is a function to plot rating factors...
plotTimeConsistFunction for plotting consistency...
.plotTimeConsistFunction for plotting consistency...
policyTableThis is a simulated dataset, it is a modified version of that...
stepICFunction for forward and backward model selection algorithm...
MangoTheCat/autoPricing documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:09 p.m.